
@gaiking: Why would it be too late to have a great smartphone with actual game controls? More like they can't release this soon enough.

@Archaotic: "You think Sony's going to change the branding after this long, just to stick a Playstation logo on it when it's not part of SCEI?"

@Archaotic: The actual name for this product has not been released. Nothing official at all has been announced for this product at all. The name could still change before it's released. It might not have either Playstation or Xperia branding by that time.

@Archaotic: So basically you're so upset just because you perceive that the "Xperia Play" is stealing hype from the PSP2? Now I care even less about your crusade to call the device by it's correct name.

@Setzer IIDX: Also people call all brands of facial tissue Kleenex. OH MY GOSH!!! FREAK OUT!! RAGE!!!!!

@brandoshido: Really? It's an advanced smart phone, with actual game controls so that you can play real games comfortably on the go without having to carry a second device, and you're underwhelmed?

@Archaotic: Why do you care what people call it? You're just basically arguing semantics at this point. Whether people call it a Playstation Phone or a PSP Phone, or whatever. It's just a nickname people are giving it until the actual name is announced. Get over it.

Awesome. This would be my dream phone come true.

@Black2key: I really don't like how the controls slide out on the sides. I'd much rather have a PSP Go style.

@benihime: That would be awesome if it had 360 level graphics. That would mean it's games would have a better frame rate, higher resolution, and more detailed textures than PS3 games.

No. Sometimes buying used is the only option because games go out of print eventually. Also, in buying used, at least it's close to a 1:1 ratio of the developers getting paid and not. The ratio is probably like 1:1,000,000 for downloading. Plus, when you buy used, that means that someone sold it and probably used the

@mike_311: So you're saying that even though what is being called 4G is faster than 3G, people shouldn't get it because some standards organization won't officially classify it as 4G?

Or, you could just all stop buying the same computer. Problem solved.

@Platypus Man: Excellent point. Achievements do kind of ruin the immersion.

I agree with Nintendo on this. I feel like most achievements are a waste of time. I just play to have fun. I've had my 360 since launch and I still have a sub-5,000 gamerscore.

@blaaps: I don't know. Online play, HD graphics, better controls? Yeah, who would want to do that?

@Trystian: I have a problem with calling using an unsecured wireless network stealing. To me it's like turning a sprinkler on in your yard and then accusing your neighbor of stealing water if the sprinkler hits some of their yard.

I like graphics to be as realistic as possible, but not the gameplay. I've found that usually the more realistic the gameplay is the less fun it is.

If I didn't know anything about Japan and based my opinion of it solely on their video games and anime, I would think that it is the most sexually repressed place on earth.

@E-lai-e: You should get a 360 then. At least MS bans people from Live that use these kinds of cheats.