
I think that the main problem with Global Warming alarmists is that they apparently believe that the earth's temperature always remains constant which is incorrect. Science teaches that there have been several ice ages in earth's history. What happens between the ice ages? The earth globally warms. This is a natural

@OuttaTime: I'm pretty sure that it would have to be some form of gifting. No one is just going to be giving out their passwords.

@Ignerd: It depends on the game. Earlier online fighting games didn't give you the win, but some of the newer ones do, so it's not as big of a deal as it used to be.

@Ignerd: It is really annoying when you're about to beat someone and they quit before you get credit for the victory.

@blaaps: They could include a time limit so that the match will start even if a player doesn't ready up.

I did for a couple of years after high school. I was big into NES and SNES through school, but after I graduated and moved into my own place, I left my consoles behind for my brother and sister and didn't get back into gaming until I bought a used PS1 and Dreamcast late in their console cycle.

It wouldn't really be that bad. The most information that they would have access to is your gamertag and it's not like people don't freely post those all over the internet, anyway.

@Dad_Is_A_Zombie: It's good for people that don't have access to credit cards.

Epic. I can't believe that after over 25 years, people are still finding new stuff in this game. SMB is truly one of the greatest games ever.

@carpe_k9006: Ok. Well, let's see your video of doing it without the turtle.

The only thing that I don't like about that mock-up of the PSP 2 is the recessed controls. Looks like it would be difficult for people with large thumbs to play.

Makes sense that the PSP2 could be as powerful as a PS3. The PS3 is over 4 years old, now. I'm sure that the technology has shrunk by now. There are a lot of pretty powerful mobile devices out there now. I just wonder if the PSP2 will run on the Cell. Wasn't it a pretty tiny processor to begin with?

Give me a slide out control pad and then we'll talk.

Something about playing a 2D game in 3D just doesn't seem right to me.

All I care about is if the D-pad is better than the official Xbox 360 controller. I've bought several replacements, but as bad as the official D-pad is, I still haven't found one that's significantly better. I haven't tried the transforming one, because I don't use wireless controllers, but I might give the Onza a try

I won't be getting any battery power out of it because the only future portable that I'm even considering getting is the PlayStation Phone or a Windows Phone 7 handset if someone releases one with a similar slide out control pad. 1 device to rule them all FTW.

@P4KO: I'm waiting for the Super Micro 3DSi XL Lite Advanced Pocket SP Color 64.