
@Wafflemao: I thought all the wackos came from Florida.

Phew! At least my Bionic Band that I got for Christmas still works.

@I_am_error.: That's called humor, not glorifying. Chill out, dude.

@sietsej: That's a nice neopolitain DS sandwich he has there.

@I_am_error.: I don't think it's glorifying anything. He's just reporting the facts.

@XeO3: Anything is better than Avatar.

CoD: Black Ops that I got for Christmas. Loving the bot mode multiplayer. No more playing with cheaters or people who use cheap tactics. Yay. Now if only I had a Halo game with bots...

Cool, now fix Fusion and we're all good.

I should have known. Sony fanboys claimed for years how the analog placement on the Dualshock was superior than Xbox controllers. Now that the PSP2 has swapped the controls, they're going to be like this is the best thing ever. Predictable.

@Manly McBeeferton: I don't see what's so bad about it. It makes it more compact when not in use.

Oh, no! The left thumbstick is above the d-pad. Dualshock purists are going to be pissed.

@faralar: Some people like all in one devices. If I had a separate device for all the functions that my phone does I would have to carry a phone, camera, camcorder, PDA, GPS, and portable game system. Why do all that when I can just put a phone in my pocket?

Hopefully we'll get some more details on the alleged PlayStation Phone.

@igloochan: I hope you're right. I was starting to hyperventilate, so thanks for the reassurement.

I still haven't bought into motion controls. I've never even tried a Wiimote, Move, or Kinect and don't plan to in the near future. Part of me wants them to go away like a bad fad, but another part of me worries that they've already become too entrenched to just go away. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind there being motion

@BiezulbubBill69: Sorry, I don't care about their radios or stereos or cd players. This is a video game blog. Fail.

@xxnike629xx: Wait. You think that MS is dumb and Sony is brilliant when Sony is losing money? By that logic, you should just flush all your money down the toilet. You would be a genius then.

This just shows that MS did it right by charging for Live. You can't make any money by giving everything away for free. Now Sony has painted themselves into a corner when they said that they would never charge for online multiplayer. I bet they regret that.