
@Aikage the Skilled Cleric: That was hilarious. I almost thought you were serious about PC gaming not being dead. LOL. Good one.

@Ninja_peach: The Wii has only sold about half as much as the PS2 did, so it's far from market saturation.

He should have just showed up and not called ahead. I'm pretty sure that he can find another theater in his area that would let him in. I bet some theater would even let him in free as a promotion.

@salt_bagel: Tron Guy was a programatic non-fit.

I think that Sony should consider making the PSP2 and PSP Phone the same device. Trying to support multiple mobile gaming platforms simultaneously could fracture their market and the 2 devices could end up cannibalizing sales from each other.

@CalebAcheron: So you think that there will never be another successful dedicated portable gaming system?

I wonder if they'll give the PSP2 a 3D screen to compete with the 3DS.

I don't care about 3D or Avatar, so this doesn't affect me at all. If companies want to limit their sales by imposing ridiculous bundles like this, it's their loss, not mine. I am so completely over 3D. I was basically forced to watch 2 3D movies on Sunday. I wanted to see Tron and Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 2D,

@simply_androoo: Personally, I'm holding out for the Super Ultra 3DSi XL Color Advanced 64 Micro SP.

@Stryks: Just make a compilation of Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess footage and that would pretty much be a Skyward Sword trailer.

It depends. I would say buy the 3DS if you already have a 360. Buy the PS3 if you you don' t have a 360.

I figured this would be the official Gizmodo shoe.

Does anybody know why Gawker Fusion isn't working? Does it have anything to do with the recent account issues?

Is Fusion down for everybody else? Will it be coming back any time soon?

I think this service has the most potential as a try before you buy, service. I think that I would still buy the games that I know that I want to play, because I can probably get better performance out of my own machine and it wouldn't be hogging as much bandwidth. However, if I can just jump on Onlive and instantly

@fumbiii: Whoa. He found the Sprint iPhone prototype? He should sell it to Gizmodo instead of throwing it away.

@Ropa-to: So you're saying that the PSP phone will fail because the N-Gage did? That's like saying that all consoles will fail because the 3DO did.