
@dethklokso: ROM is Read Only Memory. That is not referring to the amount of internal storage. If it was, you wouldn't be able to save anything to the phone.

Games are kind of the same way for me, but I usually give them about 4 hours instead of 10 minutes. If I'm not absolutely enthralled by a game by then, I usually quit. It's not even a concious decision either. I just can't go back to it.

@Accordeon: There is a difference between upscaling and upconverting. Upscaling is what most TV's do where they basically just zoom and stretch the lower resolution image to fit the HD screen, so it doesn't enhance the image at all. Devices like these actually upconvert images to HD resolutions by kind of separating

I'm going to say no, if it involves an adapter. Maybe the PSP2 will have native HD out over HDMI. In that case, I would say yes.

@themightyspitz: Possibly. I think that there are adapters that allow for mouse and keyboard on the PS3, so this should plug right in, in theory.

Seeing contraptions like this make me glad to be a console gamer.

@ninjacrusader: Split RAM architecture on the PS3? Lower quality video card?

I honestly did not expect this amount of hate when I clicked on this story. It's just a game guys. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Nobody's forcing you to. There's no need to bitch about it. You all are acting like you should have the right to decide what game gets made and what doesn't. Newsflash, you don't,

I'll just be glad when the NBA Jam banner ads are gone. They're slowing this site to a crawl.

@TrentUGA: Sometimes I don't even watch 1 movie in a months time. Mind, boggled.

Cool. Here are some more suggestions:

@reducks: For real. No 1080p? Fail.

@mbk337: It looks like they took the photo with a 80's model black and white photocopier that you would find in a grocery store.

Oh, no! The left thumbstick is above the d-pad. Dualshock purists are going to be pissed!

@EnigmaNemesis: That's a good point. I should have known that Sony was getting a kickback. So I guess it's a win for everybody. Could be kind of confusing, though. Now when someone wants to watch a video, they have to search four different services on the same machine and compare prices to find out which one is the

My question is why did MS and Sony put any competitive video services to their own in house services on their consoles? They each could have had a virtual monopoly and made more money. Maybe I better shut up. I don't want to give them any ideas to remove something that's actually good for the consumer.

@TrentUGA: Why is that? If you rarely watch movies, Vudu would be a better option because there's no monthly fee.

I hope both sides are ashamed that it took this long to come to an agreement and regret how much money they lost in the process. And for what? The pricing and deal don't appear to be any different from most other artists.

@Kunami: You're the ignorant clueless one. I never said their former partners should be giddy about being broken up with, but they'll get over it. Sure they might be a little upset about it, but that's a far cry from having your life ruined. That's not evil, that's just life. Also you seem to be criticizing me for