
@Kunami: I think you're being a little overdramatic. The lesser of two evils? Are you kidding me? They just broke up with people they obviously didn't see a future with. How is that evil? Have you ever broken up with anybody? Then by your deffinition, you're evil. And it's not my decision as to what will and will not

@walls99: I think that there would still be support for it because the regular PSP's can still download games, from what I understand, but yeah I'm not counting on most older games getting digital re-releases anyway. I don't have any PSP yet, so I don't have to worry about not being able to play my old games either.

@Kunami: Let me ask you this. Which would have ruined their lives more? Them breaking up with their significant others or marrying them and then realizing that they were in love with someone else and either living their lives in an unhappy marriage or getting divorced?

I'm oldschool, and only like to play with real gamepads, so I won't be getting Kinect, Move, or the Wii. I hope it's just a fad and ends before the next console cycle. If my worst fear comes true and motion controls become the primary control method for consoles and gamepads are phased out, I will turn to PC gaming

I actually want one, so I hope it does get discontinued so I can get it on a clearance sale.

@Ravel: Maybe you should re-read the article. I don't see anything that says that they were married before they started seeing each other. So no lives were ruined. People break up all the time. Do you expect non-married couples to stay together forever, even if they're in love with someone else? Have you never broken

Lynx 3D? Did Atari make a new portable?

@Colm Murphy: I think you might be on to something there. Nintendo has strived so hard to appeal to the casual market with the Wii, that hardcore gamers have been alienated and have abandoned the Wii altogether. Thus, hardcore titles like Metroid Other M go ignored.

Haha. It's so hilarious. I remember before the PS3 came out, Sony was claiming that it was so superior to the Xbox 360 that it would make it look like Xbox 1.5. Now, years later, the PS3 still can't match the 360 in multi-plat game quality.

@plankton88: Hardware sales aren't completely irrelevant, but they are only relevant up to a certain point. Like last generation where the PS2 sold 100 million units more than the Xbox or GC. That allowed third party developers to make games for the PS2 exclusively and completely ignore the other platforms. This

@soundwave_superior: Ok. We get it. The 360 version is superior. Do you have to keep rubbing it in to PS3 owners that they have inferior hardware?

Does anybody find it a little ironic that the Wii videos have a "Watch in HD" option?

Where does the PSP controller slide out from?

@plankton88: The Wii doesn't really figure into the competition because it's too under powered to handle most major third party multi-platform games. That's what the competition is really about. The Wii does get some ports, but they're usually late and really watered down.

@Ravennl: Not at this point in time. It was really only relavent for about the first couple of years of this console generation. Once each console sold enough units to ensure that it wouldn't get Dreamcasted, then it became less relavent. Now that the margin of difference between the two is small enough to ensure that

So Google finally caught up to Ask.com?

@Altima NEO: We can only hope. Either that or I'll have to learn how to play with a mouse and keyboard. Nevermind, that won't work either. Those are being replaced by touch screens.

@Altima NEO: But what if this kind of gaming becomes so popular that they don't even make controllers anymore? Hmmmm?

If this is the future of gaming, then I'm out, guys. It's been fun. Last one out, hit the lights.