
Looks good. I really want a gaming phone with actual buttons, too. I hope someone releases something similar in the states on Sprint's network.

@Snufkin: It would have been a great interface for their Apple TV. Kinect could have turned it into a complete gaming platform. Just imagine how many more Apple TV's they would have sold with Kinect. Oh well. Their loss.

@skt.smth: We're not supposed to hate Apple because of this. Just make fun of them.

I haven't played this game. Are there any bots or droids that he had to kill? Because if so, that would kind of cheapen the accomplishment. Someone could make a game with only robots in it and say, "Look, I beat the game without killing any people or animals".

@dowingba: Sure you can buy it separately, but for an anniversary collection it just feels incomplete without SMW included.

Since it's just the original SNES Super Mario All-Stars on a disc, it seems like a glorified Virtual Console game. If they really wanted to do an anniversary collection, they should have included:

@⌘Z: Wait. So you mean I've only had standard definition vision all these years?

Good effort, but not really that great overall. No real earth shattering revelations. The stuff about race and Loraine's danger fetish are really a stretch. The only thing that is creepy about the ending is the fact that the McFly's still have a relationship with Biff after the attempted rape, but I think that has

First they ban Happy Meals. Next, when a bunch of vegans get into office, they'll probably ban meat altogether.

So they're trying to cure a virus with a virus?

I remember this game being featured in an issue of Nintendo Power demonstrating what games would look like if a CD drive were released for the SNES, and then they never released it. Probably a good idea after what happened to Sega when the released the Sega CD.

@keiyakins: I don't get it. Your first comment sounds like you won't buy a 360 until they have built in wifi, but your second comment sounds like you already own a 360, but it doesn't have wifi. So, which is it?

@chogaijin: So people can't like both racing and action games?

Do any smartphones use voice for text input, yet? Seems like that would be the fastest and most convinient method if they could get the accuracy to an acceptable level.

I wouldn't miss it.

She was obviously talking to this guy.


@Ackbar-is-The-Boss: So you think that I'm a troll because I think the 360 has the best controller design? By that logic everybody would be a troll because everybody has a preference, which means you're a troll, too. Oh, and let me guess, you didn't call anybody a troll that thinks the PS3 has the best controller.