
@Methossa: Yeah, there were tons of NES games that I could never beat. That system had some of the most difficult games ever. Luckily with the help of emulators and save states I've been able to go back and finally beat some like Castlevania. But, come on. Kung Fu? You couldn't beat that? That was super easy. I can

My favorite console of all time. I still play NES games several times a week. The classics that were made on this system are so timeless.

@DrakeDatsun: Are you talking about the region locking?

A download token? Why not save the consumer some time and trouble and just have it pre-loaded on the harddrive?

@25toLife: Haha! You're kidding, right?

@Nitesh Singh: If we all lived by that logic then nobody would ever try anything a second time after failing once.

@allstaraugustine: Just because the N-Gage failed doesn't mean that all gaming phones will. That's like saying that all consoles will fail because the 3DO did. I do all of my mobile gaming on my phone because I refuse to carry a separate device.

@Makidian: "If it does really well the first few months at retail, but post-Christmas sales are garbage because consumers aren't generating positive word of mouth then Microsoft could abandon the whole thing altogether."

Of course the DLC isn't coming to the PC. PC gaming is dying ;)

"Wouldn't it be great if we could make a world that was always there for you?

@G2Wolf: That game looks pretty lame. I would only play it if there was a Hot Coffee mod.

@G2Wolf: Whoa. An MMO about real life? I've never heard about those before. Is this like a new genre, or something?

What is a parkour MMO?

@baeshin: By "maybe" I mean that the PS3 is "deffinitely" in 3rd place total, worldwide. Hope that clears things up for you.

@baeshin: Maybe total, worldwide.

@ChewyChew: Official troll post on Kotaku.