
@BoscoH: Stuxnet is not helping them, it's hurting them, man. And you shouldn't be talking about it on the internet.

@fuchikoma: Yeah I would really like to try Windows 7, but my other machines are so old that I don't think it would be worth it. Although, I am considering buying a netbook, and if I do, I'm deffinitely getting one with 7.

Everybody please welcome me to 2007. I had been running XP on all 3 of my machines. My desktop, laptop, and media center. Yesterday I finally took the plunge and upgraded my media center PC to Vista so that I can play Halo 2 online again. Actually, I tried to do the standard upgrade 3 times, but it failed each time,

@ConfederateRokr: I think that you're confusing announcement with speculation.

@bdkennedy1002: Yeah, because they never would have found out about this without your tip.

Kind of bad news for me. I rent games every now and then, but not enough to justify a Gamefly subscription. I wonder why Gamestop doesn't rent games. Seems like they're missing out on an extra stream of revenue.

what's the deal with PlayStation Move anyway? i played it once. then i analyzed the game mechanics, deduced that the rest of the game would be waggling my controller and turned my PS3 off.

All that video reminds me of is how unbelievably overpowered someone is with good sniper skills in Halo games. There's nothing more annoying than getting in a room with a sniper that gets 25 kills and no one else even has 10.

@ghostadv: Dedicated Marksman Rifle. It's the Reach version of the Battle Rifle.

I'll still play Halo 3 more than Reach. Heck, I'd still be playing Halo 2 if they hadn't taken it offline. Mainly, because they left dual wielding out of reach. It seems like every match turns into DMR battles and there isn't as much variety as earlier games in the series.

$14.95 per month for one game? And PC gamers criticize MS charging for Xbox Live. At least that's only $5 per month and includes all games except MMO's.

@getlefty: What?!? Are you serious? *frantically checks his 1 year old Halo Reach preorder receipt* Oh, phew. Still legible.

I don't have the extreme fondness of the Dreamcast that a lot of people have for it. I never got into any of the games except for the NFL 2K series, but what I did like about it was that it was my first system with online capabilities and how easy it was to run emulators off of it. I still had it hooked up until a

Too bad there's no built in place for a monitor. If there was it would be great for a party setup. Kind of like a store kiosk.

@Googlo The Otaku Ninja - Hey have you seen my cat?: Awesome.

Why does Apple have to take their entire store down everytime they add a new product? I'm pretty sure no other online store has any problem adding products while keeping their site up. I gues they still have a problem with multi-tasking.

@Thoraxes: Look at it this way. You may not like paying $60 for a digital copy, now, but maybe in the future it will prevent you from having to pay $80 for a boxed copy.

@MauricioHavok: I would regret selling my Xbox, too, but not because of kinect.