
Everytime I saw Romney standing up to Trump in the impeachment trials or chiding Cruz for stoking the flames of insurrection, I take myself on a little history tour to remind myself what Romney is just about and why he had a beef with Trump, lest I allow myself to be tricked into thinking he is a ‘Decent Republican’:

Oh he was THAT fucking guy. 

No shit. But you must have worked extra hard to miss the point. He busted his ass to be able to make a single item to for that bank.  He didn’t mass-produce a cheap plastic wank-toy based on a shitty comic book of which its longest lasting legacy will be so much jizz-encrusted plastic rotting in landfills.

The two are not comparable.

Don’t fully agree. I do hope humans do attempt to settle in other parts of the solar system and not as an insurance policy against climate catastrophe. We’ve only scratched the surface on what we can do. But most of it is going to happen (a) only if we don’t kill ourselves in the next 100 years and (B) generations

Yeah, I have some friends who were (I finally managed to convince them after the whole rescue submarine thing blew up) Musk stans and my argument always came down to, ‘All he cares about is writing his ego in the history books.’

Anyone sent to Mars in Musk’s lifetime is going to die up there. Either from solar radiation or coming into contact with the toxic soil. We can deliver payloads to Mars, and maybe even land people safely, but long term survival? Forget it.

The problem is Steam isn’t using those situations to justify pulling the game, instead opting for the bizzare, ‘No real people porn allowed’ when the days that the front page isn’t pushing crappy Blender and cartoon pornographic games (many of which bullet point some truly vile situations in their features write-ups) i

Nah dude. Touching someone’s face without them consenting or knowing is creepy.

He’s an obvious piece of shit. I could see it as a dumb teenager back in the late 90s when Oprah started shilling for him. It baffles me that people couldn’t see through him.

Only if you have an addiction to murdering nazis and want to eliminate that temptation.

Don’t forget, they also want to give people 10 years for defacing statues and monuments, while rapists can get off with just 5.

After what she recently said about the BLM demonstrations that occurred last summer, I’m not surprised.

After Windrush, the Hostile Environment and those fucking ‘Go Home’ vans, I think the Home Office should be renamed to ‘The Office of White Authority’. You’d be hard pressed to convince me that being a white supremacist is not a requirement to be the Home Secretary (The fact that the current and previous Home Secretari

Morgan doesn’t have a single likeable characteristic. 

He got a reality check, almost an intervention if you will, not a personal attack. If you want to see a personal attack... well, watch Piers Morgan talking about Markle.

Father is just another word for motherfucker. 

They are already radicalized:

I have never been able to understand this man’s appeal, even taken separately from his creepyness. He is painfully unlikable to watch in any of his roles, most of which, appear to be self-inserts.

Honestly, they were there to pay tribute to a man who once asserted that young women on tax-paid birth control should be obliged to film themselves whenever they had sex so he, a taxpayer could watch them, because as a taxpayer he was paying these women to have sex.