
The creative passionate people aren’t running those corporations. Guys like Bobby Kotick and Yves Guillemot are.

The Post also includes a quote from a “veteran FDNY paramedic” who criticizes her for her part-time work, voicing what seems to me to be the explicit opinion of the piece: “Other EMTs and paramedics make more money by pulling extra shifts, instead of pulling off their clothes,” he said.

So I read the PC Gamer review for CP and it calls out the game for the bugs, from the silly to the game-breaking. One angry commenter complained that in a few months, the game will be polished and fixed. Another rightfully pointed out that PCG was reviewing the game that actually existed in the here and now not some

Absolutely true.



HEY! That sounds an awful lot like my girlfriend! Stay away y’hear.


You should read Paradox’s glassdoor. Put me off applying for a job there.

The mandatory 20 days holiday is a huge thing... However it SHOULD be a legal obligation of all companies to provide this to their employees. So kudos to Supergiant for implementing this internally. 


Yeah. I see a lot of people justifying sending death threats to an elderly woman because the family she married into have profited from colonialism and plundering other nations.

Not likely. With the UK tories, suffering and daily degradation of the masses, particularly the working class, is a hard-coded feature, not a bug.

Trump does this to Bill Barr too, despite Barr being his biggest supporter. It exposes Barr as a liar and Trump a dumbass. But Trump cant help himself. He has to be Big Boy In Charge, even when his subordinates are trying to insulate him.

Thank you! (I suspect your effort is wasted though.) 

Sadly, I think he’s hit that point in his career where he has failed upwards so much, being fired or disgraced means nothing. He has enough name recognition and has enough connections with fellow ghouls that he will never struggle to find work/publish books/advise racist politicians ever again.

It read like a rough draft for the B-Plot of a season of Fargo.

Thanks for the insight.

Would Cruz have won the primary in the absence of Trump though? Asking as someone not from the US and unfamiliar with his base that somehow keeps him in power. (A look at his twitter proves that yes- these people do exist) He seems legit unlikable, not to mention he came across as a spineless slime even before Trump