
Firstly, I wonder under what circumstances I can say “low quality women.” Secondly, I don’t think they are male supremecists. A lot of men are frustrated since it can seem as if the women who are their “equals” are uninterested in them and prefer to seek out “higher status men.”

He does have a face only a fist could love.

I’m not even American, but yeah, I feel it. I’m just assuming he’s going to win to avoid bitter disappointment in humanity come November.

Hillary, while lacking in charisma, at worst would have maintained the political status-quo and fortified Obama era things like ACA and generally would have been a decent, if unremarkable, president. Your foreign policy would be stable and secure (Currently Europe is figuring out how to move forwards without the US as

Oh Jesus Fucking HR Geiger Christ.

Cool story. Written by a guy literally on the NYPD payroll:

Considering his handling of HIV in Indiana, the sobriquet fits.

Are they though? I mean, yes, they are SUPPOSED to be, but are they though?

Seeing as Cruise was indoctrinated in his early 20s I’d argue he’s going through a lifelong crisis of a completely different kind.

Nah. This is just like the ‘If Obama shows me his birth certificate, I’ll donate 1 million to his charity of choice.’ proposition Trump did back in the Birther days.

He suffers from crippling narcissism he NEEDS adoration andworship. He even mused out loud that it would be nice if the American people revered him the way North Koreans revere Kim Jong.

If it was any other president... it would not matter. This one? It doesn’t matter. He isn’t held accountable by his words. Even if he pledged to respect the peaceful transfer of power... he still wouldn’t. And his bootlicks in the senate would follow his lead slavishly.

This whole ‘lockdown is to control us!’ argument blows my mind. I briefly long distance dated someone during early lockdown who said this very thing and I asked them, ‘Who is trying to control us?’ to which they replied the government. The UK Tory government was elected in a landslide victory a few months before Covid

This writer’s whole MO is to shit on famous people for not doing enough to satisfy her arbitrary standards of progressiveness. While she actually does nothing to further any cause besides said shitting on the people who actually put their names and reputations on the line for said causes. She’s an asshole.

Now playing

Whenever I remember he exists, I think of this scene from Rome and wish someone would make a similar promise to him:

It doesn’t matter weather she believes him or not, not even to her. Its all about maintaining the reputation and power of the institute of the Royal Family. This isn’t mum looking out for her favorite when he’s been a naughty boy. This is the literal head of the Anglican Church, commonwealth states and figurehead of

This has nothing to do with how the Queen or Prince Charles feel about Andrew personally and everything about maintaining the power and prestige of their dynasty. Even if Charles fucking HATES Andrew, he will never hand him over to the FBI because it will taint the institution of the royal family forever and steal

Yes to both.

This exactly.

The base, those who bother to listen to the lyrics, will to the mental contortions to cast Trump as their champion against the fortunate sons who are responsible for their poor lot in life. Those of course being the boogeymen ‘Liberal Elites’ along with their allies - feminists, people of colour, gays, trans people, Me