
Why has no one I've ever met played this game?

While that is one way of looking at it, remember that kickstarter is not an online retailer, and you are never buying anything on it. Those backer rewards are incentives, nothing more. When you donate to a kickstarter you are saying that you believe in someones dream, and you want to help them achieve it. There is an

There were early Captain America patients, they tried on black soldiers. One was succesful, the character is Isaiah Bradley, his grandson is Patriot in the Young Avengers. So yep they should have factored that into the costs.

They kinda lowballed the costumes. 20$ for gloves? 100 for boots? Those doesn't look cheap at all. 10 000$ for the equipments and all the researchers are really low too. And they assume they only worked a year on the project. There is also the cost of each try, I don't think Rogers was the first and only subject. I

I think he's making a statement on net privacy, which is fine. I don't particularly agree with it, but his reasoning ("creeps me out") is completely understandable. It's become pretty black and white: supporting Facebook or Google means you're accepting their data mining practices. I'm fine with it as it makes my

Disgruntled fans: " We hate you Capcom! We wanted a totally brand new character!"
Capcom: "Y'all got 'totally brand new character' money?"
Disgruntled fans: "*under breath* if you weren't so lazy and actually listened to us."
Capcom: "Ok so giving your ungrateful ass a update that YOU begged for is lazy? You lucky I even

I'm actually relieved to finally hear something about IGA! I haven't heard his name in any Konami related news in YEARS!

I don't know if it even matters who they pick to play Batman. Movies based on DC Comics characters are rarely good. I liked the last few Batman films, but basically nothing else. I abhorred Man of Steel, and I did not like Green Lantern at all. Jonah Hex, Watchmen, Catwoman, and Superman Returns all did nothing for

Ben Affleck is a good actor that is consistently plagued with being cast in movies that have poor writing and direction. When he is the one holding the pen and the camera he is actually quite good.