
Maybe we just don’t deserve nice things. Look at this post: The show looks like it’s going for a crisp, bright esthetic, and it’s called “bland”. A distinctly normal and relatable young Superman is “uninspiring”, while being “unrelatable” is many peoples’ biggest complaint about the character.

Yup. You know exactly the type of show that will get canceled quickly: Inoffensive, fun, kind of heartwarming and earnest. Well-written, without “try hard” reality tv style drama forced into it, but with drama occuring organically like in... stories?

Of course it’s doomed.

I was just thinking about this today in reference to people like an Adam Corolla or Joe Rogan. People who have made a steady decades-long move from average-joe-common-sense types who are broadly well-meaning, to weird proto-fascists who will spew hateful conspiracies at the drop of a hat. And I think it’s all those

To my chagrin, I used to really respect his and Adam Corolla’s opinions on their “Loveline” radio show when I was a kid. It’s amazing that they now rank near the top of my list of the most painfully stupid and unhelpful people in media.

Going by the picture, they broke up because when he smiled, it looked like he smelled a fart and didn’t want to say nothin’.
(If I’m always gonna be greyed out, I might as well say whatever petty nonsense comes to mind.)

The speech stands because it always flips both ways: You think things are settled, you think we all agree on what’s right and what’s wrong, and we don’t have to constantly fight over certain things. And then it starts all over again. And eventually, once again, you have to choose a side, and stand firm. Against the

Trying to institute courses in mindfulness and empathy is called “wokeism”, so good luck with that. I mean, aside from all the other issues like zero mental health access (and social stigma if you find it), shortages of teachers, and counselors who are so short staffed that they ultimately do fuckall, etc.

Better to j

I dunno. You might be missing their main point while arguing semantics...

Comics isn’t just mainstream DC and Marvel comics. Don’t paint the entire medium with that brush. There are dozens of incredible new stories out there. People just are ignorant of them.

And those corporations would respond that they have a legal obligation to maximize profits for their investors.Which means no increase in pay, no matter how reasonable, without a conspicuously loud and aggressive fight. Every time. Even if it damages the brand. Even if it leads to massive and predictable failures in

Get hip to that Christo-fascist gravy train. A celeb can make a lot of money sucking up to fundamentalists and starring in their propaganda.

The attitude of “Why do this dumb shit?” from some people is why “entertainment” is mostly endless trash. Culturally dead, copycat trash. You get what you deserve.

That may indeed be the case from what we’ve seen so far, but I wouldn’t make that assessment based on a couple minutes of behind the scenes materials. Any more than i could judge any other game from early trailers.

They really have taken every bit of joy out of uncertainty and mystery in mainstream entertainment. The lack of any satisfying or, more importantly, RESONANT resolution makes it feel like the cheap and lazy trick that it is. The glut of television and movies that make broad and childish gestures toward nuance far

Yup. There’s a place for everything, but getting a solid and satisfying story will win EVERY time.

Let me just make it clear: Peter Thiel does not care about abortion or the hatred of gay or trans people. Hahah! No. Nononono. lolnono. THAT guy? He loves the hate. He just knows it’s not going to get numbers. Which is the truth.

I do not (and probably never will) watch this show, and clicked only because I’m always curious to see what Morrison is doing. But it would be nice to think that they were trying to say that no matter what universe it is, Vic and Garfield are brothers. That’s an emotional deep cut any fan of any version of Titans

This is an interesting comment. Have you time traveled from the year 1998, and just discovered entertainment websites?

For sure. I have a few friends who had some very late growth spurts at 19-21. It’s wild sometimes.

It’s not AI that’s the problem. It’s how capitalism works. And capitalism will do what it always does, just using AI. So quicker and with even less concern for community and basic human needs, and ultimately in a self-destructive spiral, because capitalism wants to die.