
I’ve been making this comment since the 90's, but it’s evergreen: it’s not usually the voice actors, but a lack of direction.

This. When he wants to, he’s quite capable of letting characters’ little personality quirks, anxieties, and big emotional moments shine. He’s absolutely capable. He just... doesn’t.

I’ll admit that that’s to the detriment of his writing, that tendency to go big, but not let characters breathe. The resonance of the

My first thought was, “Now if someone happened to be under those buses waiting for them, and one of those clowns lost a leg, the cops would have suddenly been making some arrests. Of the people defending themselves.”

Properties with rich lore that is crucial to both the overall theme and character development: “Trash it. Who cares? This is ours now. Adaptation is about change!

Why is this still confusing to people? It has nothing to do with being “profitable”, which means absolutely nothing to these people. The point is always to show a large and rapidly increasing profit that pleases stockholders. Which is literally impossible in the post-covid market, because literally the entire world isn

Good point. As far as I know, most creatives have at least two projects percolating at any given time. Because you feel the need to create, and because you know nothing lasts forever and you need to keep the lights on when the current gig is over. I have to wonder what his priorities were and how naive he was being

Welcome to... reality? No one’s work is guaranteed longevity. In the arts, (which this guy should be happy to have been a part of). your work is going to have to stand for you after it’s done, and you don’t get to determine how long it lasts in memory. I mean, people are toiling in obscurity in an Amazon warehouse

Pleasantly surprised to see you still here, but surprised nonetheless. Your comments are probably more insightful than most of the writing at this point, and most of the very few other comments are trash. Legit question: What keeps you coming back?

It’s better than most of the things on this list. It’s not for everyone, though, is it? 

It’s weird that it feels like The OA exists in an entirely parallel universe. That’s fine, I guess. When I find fans of The OA, I know I’m among my people.

Xavier in the back like, “Am I a joke to you!?”

Ultimate is always in the discussion in comics circles, mostly because people are excited by the three or four good things that came out of it: the Ultimate Spider-man series as a whole, Miles Morales, The Maker and... and uh... oh, Sam Jackson Nick Fury was a neat idea?

There are maybe three companies that do or have done this. One of them was probably Japanese.

You can ignore valid criticisms and varied opinions from a position of percieved superiority very easily, if you’re so inclined. Some people just don’t enjoy the same kinds of fiction that you do. It doesn’t need to be bigger or more insulting than that.

There are sundry valid reasons not to like Star Trek shows, new

Our priorities are WAY out of wack, and I have no idea what to do about it.

Yeah, that checks out. I know there were questions as to the execution, but I got the impresion the community around the game were largely fine with it. I mean... it’s Guilty Gear. If you want boring and expected, you’re playing the wrong game.

Then again, I’ve taught most algorithms that I’m not interested in incel/red

It’s not just you. Taking a break from endless trash is good and necessary. The constant flow of shallow information about the very worst people in the species can be exhausting.

Was... that controversial? I thought that was common and accepted knowledge like... 15 years ago? Whenever Guilty Gear Isuka came out.

Legit rooting for Eddie Furlong. I hope this is a good role for him.

I feel like he delivered a great performance in T2 that earned him more success than he saw.

I have officially reached the level of pettyness where I will not type any version of his name on the internet, ever. I will henceforth call him “45-B”.

I think I’ll also decline engaging with anymore content featuring 45-B, unless I can think of something particularly scathing or funny. Seriously: Fuck him, and,

Good luck expecting anyone here to care about the poors.