
To their credit, a couple of those Cenobites look like things described in Clive Barker’s stories. They probably dont have the budget to show them very much or very long, but they looked like the real deal.

Not to wander too far off into the weeds, but I recommend the Tim Rogers’ playthrough of the Japanese FFVII for Kotaku ( “Let’s Mosey” on Youtube).

Just curious: name three funny people.

It’s one game that I’d be curious to see the characters totally remodeled and modernized. I’m usually a purist about such things. but I think SoA could only benefit from a thorough update.

Unacceptable. Seek it out. It’s a very fun and upbeat adventure of an RPG.

Did you get to try Skies of Arcadia? Much more in line with FF experience.

Kotaku was essentially “The Mike Fahey website” to me for so long, it’s hard to believe it even still exists without him. The best anyone can ask for is that our actions echo through time, and I think he hit that mark. He’ll be remembered fondly by so many, and he influenced others with his work.

I was reading the description (as shown in this article) and was immediately reminded of the Wizard of Oz. So I thought, “Oh, this is basically an extended silly Wizard of Oz joke. Cute.”

Ha ha. Boy, does it get more complicated.

I ‘ve gone back and forth between: “God, we’re going to have trouble just writing stories

Facts. I’ve lived in Chicago and St. Louis. I’ve been pulled over a total of five times in my entire life. Four of them were in central Illinois.

I find it extremely bizarre that anyone could interpret that as anything BUT a joke. Even if she was 100% serious, I would have assumed she was doing a “bit”, because it doesn’t sound egotistical. It sounds insane. So she was either kidding, or she’s a crazy person.

It sounds more likely that the both the article

Fair enough. I don’t know enough of the specific details of his past to comment much further, and I hesitate to dedicate the time to trying to dig up what’s truth or rumor, so I’ll accept your assessment without argument.

Valid point about workplace behaviour. No one should be abused at work.

But how do we expand that

I wouldn’t say I’m “upset”. I stated a fairly bland opinion, without rancor. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. The closest thing I’d find to “upsetting” is that “people here” pretend to have answers and knowledge they couldn’t possibly have. Which is fine, as this is just gossip blogging, but I find it

I haven’t listened to the interview. Did he say he looked up to Mel Gibson? That would be absolutely insane if he did.

The legal process is still ongoing, unless I’m mistaken. So what he ultimately does there remains to be seen. I personally would not make any public declarations of guilt or innocence in any legal matter outside of the courtroom.

Let me ask you a question: What women? What do you think women are likely to say to him?

I’m asking genuinely, because I have no idea what a person would do in his situation. Therapy, certainly. Getting distance from the public eye? Probably. But then what?

It was not a Resident Evil show, and aside from a great performance from Lance Reddick, I thought it was boring. But my niece, who never played a Resident Evil game, loved it.

It was SO weird. It had an almost entirely woman of color cast. It was made on the cheap, and it shows in every scene. The acting (aside from

People are strange. I don’t visit Giz sites very often anymore, and I know there’s not much more than weird and silly spectacle here anymore, but sometimes I’m just baffled by things I see here.

I just keep asking: why? Why would this woman spend time promoting a game on Tinder? Why would anyone buy a game to impress

Dear Hackers, could you do this bullshit to someone worthwhile, like maybe Nestle, who actually take water from communities and sell it back to them? Thanks, have a good one.

I’m glad someone else had this very specific reaction.

I need some help here, because I read the books by Alan Davis and I don’t remember there being an “Orientalist” anything. It was just another superhero group that had a weird origin story. What about their backstory is offensive? It certainly can’t be their appearances, because they just look like Alan Davis designs.