
People can say what they like about Garth Ennis, but he never missed an opportunity clown on racists. Respect.

Rest in peace, Steve Dillon. One of comics history’s greatest writer/artist teams

This sounds like a great premise for a show. I mean, the way the creator actually explained it, not the goofy trailer. Do I need to explain why a show about someone helping people in ways both practical and transformative is really really interesting right now?

I would watch an entire MCU film about, I don’t know, like,

Depends. If Holland wants to sign a long contract, like three movies minimum, he might be able to negotiate a profit percentage. That’s what I’d go for anyway.

“George Miller’s-“ *slaps you in the face with $20*

I hate the emblanddening of America Chavez that’s been happening in non-comics media. I loved the characters original ultra-curly hair and darker skin.

If you’re going to comment on this, you need to get coherent and very clear, and make some official comparisons. After I was schooled on your project by friends, I see your position, and it validity, much more clearly. This article is trash though. It’s misrepresenting you on the sly, and does nothing to illustrate

Jeremy, seriously, just shut up. Your article sucked, the formatting sucked, and you don’t need to be coming back and posting from behind “Blackdev” like you’ve been vindicated.

If you were a fan of comics and animation, you would have seen variations of it a dozen times or more. The only thing that made the Doctor Strange scene fun was seeing something so silly in live action.

It’s a very real thing that bullshit accusations like this undermine. I’m outsizedly pissed off by this article and the dev in question trying to pull this shit. 

As someone who is largely anti-corporate, pro-independent devs, and pro artist’s rights: this is low-brow bullshit and shouldn’t be reposted anywhere ever again.

The writing seems very hackneyed, and the voice direction isn’t taking advantage of the actors. Im not expecting great things as far as the story here.

If you’re wanting people to come back to your “live service” game, you’d better have some engaging characters who do more than grunt obliquely at each other.

I know as a fan of interesting films, I should’ve seen EEAAO already. But it took the swag energy of that header image to make it a must see for me. 

For a second I was excited that this would be an animated show. I am less excited.

I’d like to see a nice list of the properties involved in this sale.

Netflix: We’re more successful than we’ve ever been! Let’s raise our prices!

The descent is picking up steam. Same old X-men BS. Back to the usual “ultimate ruthless villian” they been doing with the X-men for 25 years. They could’ve gone in any direction, and this is what they chose.

I know. So only extroverts get promotions? Might as well not complain about nepotism, because if the boss doesn’t have a nephew to promote, he’ll just pick the person he’d “most like to have a beer with”. And that’s a great way to make important choices.

To make sure I understand, you’re saying that it is supportive evidence of the workplace culture? If that’s the case: valid point, It’s definitely worth noting. Because it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning if people could act like they’ve seen a woman before.

THere’s also the valid point that it can make people feel

You get it.

I probably won’t even watch this show except to see the pretty dwarf lady. But I hope it succeeds wildly, if only because it makes the worst kinds of people angry. (And I say this as a reformed stickler for lore, but I will never have common cause with the garbage people who use “lore” as a bulwark for their shitty