
I just became an even bigger fan of Platinum Games.

I mean… it’s Konami. That company is a joke to everyone in the industry. What are they going to do, ban Platinum Games from developing their pachinko machines?

A decade? More like two.

Loved Russian Doll. I wish my other favorite Netflix show “The OA” could get one more season.

Hm.  That’s true. We should cut our content creators and each other some slack really. 

I felt the same way. I preferred the more focused and longer form videos that went into things. The shift to randomness and improvisation was unappealing to me.

I don’t hate many people, as a policy, but I think I legitimately hate this dude who I don’t even know. How do you stay in the street with millions of dollars in your pocket? It makes me feel legit hopeless when I see this garbage. 

Can ANYBODY point me to an article where they tell me what the arguments are? I have no idea why they might want these condos built or why not. I want affordable housing for all too, but nobody is telling me shit except “Dave Chappelle bad”. What are the arguments?! Details matter!!

Now playing

For a second I thought this was Rising Zan

Tom’s demotion lasted all of… four episodes?

In most cases I would agree, but Dan Olson is on another level. This video is a far better and more thorough explainer than most print articles would bother putting together. Give it a shot.

I guess if he wanted justice, he should’ve just gotten shot and died then.

I watched the show daily over the ‘demic, alternating with DS9, and I can say that I will accept no apologetics for the episodic nature of Voyager. It literally made no sense to force those characters trapped in a bottle to never change or grow. Certainly not while another show was being made at the same time that was

No one who would want the job and could get the job knows how to do that. At all.

How dare you have an opinion and express it in the comment section! Just don’t play the (extremely over-represented genre of) games, and never speak of them in such blasphemous tones as “I don’t like that.”!

Great. Another will be another. example of people not caring about the “freedom” they claim to love being sacrificed to their racism and xenophobia. To the tune of 54 million dollars.

Speaking only for myself, I probably can’t afford Leonardo DeCaprio’s Expense.

Watching DS9 and Voyager simultaneously over the past year has made for some interesting contrasts.

Protip: Don’t watch Voyager and DS9 simutaneously if you want to enjoy Voyager AT ALL. In fact, watch Voyager with two weeks between episodes. It might make it bearable, and you’ll be less likely to notice how literally

You’re kidding.  Most longtime fans love this run. Hickman has taken multiple seeds planted in previous stories and brought them to full bloom, letting characters actually move forward and make big moves. If anything, I’d think it was a tougher read for newcomers. It’s been great all around while it lasted.

I can’t help but think that after Hickman leaves it’s pointless to read further. After his FF lead to his Avengers and then to Secret War, I was hoping for a grand finale to his X-Men. Hearingthe other writers say “Nah, let’s sit right here for a while” reeks of the stagnation Hickman broke all of these comics out