
I think most people agree that the “murdery” aspects of the fight were excessive, but that the overall movement and efficiency of the choreography were what deserve praise.

That was a common issue in the comics, that I knew would be even more exaggerated in a TV show, because mediocre TV shows have characters do stupid things constantly to manufacture drama.

There are two actors you do not come to with this Ol’ bullshit. Denzel and Sam Jackson. And the fact they don’t tap dance and shuffle around with people is not a reason to be “shaken”, especially if one is a “journalist” asking what one knows is a bullshit question.

Is it really a special thing called “air rage” or is it just some white people freaking out because they’re suddenly being treated like “other” people have been treated for decades?

I get what they were trying to do, and it’s cute, but the execution is really poor.

I know it’s an iconic album cover, truly a classic, but can they not just produce a new version of the same image? They can use a painting or cg as an homage to the original. Or a new baby that doesn’t have mental health issues after living a life of being famous and having nothing to show for it.

Jesus Christ, really?! That’s a f***ing disgrace.  Especially since people have been using cash much less. I assumed delivery people would appreciate not having to handle filthy bills.  Do you have any links to that story? 

LOL, what the... this is the weirdest thing! “Awful bold”!? “Presume”?! Please tell me more about yourself immediately.

Funny, Eric Snowden didn’t get to make any special financial deals to not be a considered fucking criminal by the United States government. I wonder why? (/s I know why.)

That he will probably never actually make.

I’m torn between finding this funny and being angry that you’re talking my two beautiful boys. Booo!

This movie, and that “fairy lives” scene in particular, did a pretty good job of making me hate Will Smith. It seems very much improvised, and if it wasn’t, he should’ve said “Uh, no…” given the moment that people were living through. I’m pretty lenient about comedy, but nothing in Bright was funny or clever enough

Someone with money to burn is obviously emotionally invested in trying to keep “Bright” alive, I guess. Which is fine, because I love seeing animators get paid.

Absolutely. This needs to play all the way out in public.

That’s… a great representation of incarceration and the incarcerated /s.

I think we can all agree that this isn’t shocking, and is literally just common-ass sense.

Nah, I think Ayer meant that shit.  He really thought he was onto something.  As much as I kinda like some of his previous films, his instincts seem to lean towards trash. 

Uh, no. I’ll thank them for keeping that garbage as brief as possible. The lore itself was childish, nonsensical, and rotten in an almost mean-spirited way. It was literally something a precocious 12 year-old would think up on a lazy afternoon, and discard as stupid.

Me: “This is going to be one of those annoying, pedantic, boring comment sections.”

Every joke a comedian tells is a lie. It’s not real. At all. So no one has the slightest idea what was going on in John Mulaneys house except him and his ex-wife.