
Yooooo... that purple one turned me back into a seven year old on the school bus for second, pointing out the window saying “Thas MY car.”

I’m sure Obama appointed several bootlicking opportunists. They don’t advertise their shamelessness. Sorry they didn’t advertise their shamelessness. Shamelessness is the primary trait of anyone in the Trump administration. They all roll straight up 18 on shamelessness.

It’s 2020. No one can keep two thoughts in their head at once. You’re asking for far too much. 

Absolutely not. If, some years from now, it’s part of some beautiful boxed set or something, reconsider based on what extras you get. Otherwise, it’s not worth it.

Absolutely not. If, some years from now, it’s part of some beautiful boxed set or something, reconsider based on

That’s the grift. You can do whatever the shit you like as a Republican, because you legit don’t care, and aren’t pretending to care. The Democrats have no bargaining power. Republicans can and will hold up funds, to get their way. What can the Dems do? Say, “Nah, son.” and then be accused of denying people assistance?

Coron sounds vaguely latin, so, yeah, Trump is on that shit.

That’s a lot of talking about what a pretty large and exceptionally diverse group of people want. Political labels this broad mean absolutely nothing anymore.

Waaaait a minute... It’s almost as if those were written by a deliriously angry crazy person who thrives on attention!

Cops are sensitive. They are easily frightened or angered. They respond with lethal violence when frustrated.

It kind of makes you understand the right wing a bit better, doesn’t it? Like: “Fuck it. Circle the wagons! I’ll worry about me and mine.”

This is a great article and a fascinating subject. But it could use some editing. Not for length, just for pacing. The flow is kind of off, there’s some repetition, some odd time jumps, and I think some of the complaints about length are people misinterpreting their discomfort with the overall structure. This is a


Aaaah. FFVII: The game that made people argue about story elements mostly made up in their heads, because it was terrible at telling it’s own story. Hopefully the remake, when it’s done in 16 years, will be a clearer and more mature story than the original ever could’ve been.

Solid point, and opens up interesting story possibilities that will probably be ignored or mishandled terribly.

Alan Davis is not only the best Nightcrawler artist, he’s arguably the best Nightcrawler writer. No other writer has captured the inner life of Nightcrawler like Davis did during his Excalibur run. He really took Nightcrawler through an excellent arc.

I need a poster of that comic cover for reasons that should be readily apparent.

Glad to see someone who knows their X-Men writers and history.  

It kind of makes you feel like you’ve gone mad, doesn’t it? Like, “I must be insane, because the entire world can’t possibly be this dumb.”

Oh, you didn’t know?  Let me tell you something: Tucker Carlson is on some long game shit. Trust me. He knows what he’s doing.

All I want is to excise Babu Frik from this garbage and put him inn a better movie/show. That’s all I want.