You probably shouldn’t be raising kids if you think nuclear war is that likely.
You probably shouldn’t be raising kids if you think nuclear war is that likely.
At first, I read who you were replying to wrong, so I thought you were replying to yourself which really made me laugh. Was worried for your sanity for a second haha.
Just when the COTD couldn’t get any more mediocre you go and do this ..... and totally prove me wrong.
If your health insurance will get cheaper with the repeal of Obamacare, you can’t afford a V90/S90/XC90.
I’d probably make more if “A”CA is rolled back. My premiums went up substantially when they took hold.
“I feel like this stereotype isn’t the result of focus groups or anything but of some media-constructed fantasy we’re all supposed to play into.”
Her and Ronda will need to hit the bar tonight.
Everyone else did great but her. Diva Mariah showing up once again.
Found the Bernie supporter. A week late and a dollar short as per usual.
Oh fore the love of god...
I’m lost on this notion. Mooch off your wife’s prime? You don’t just share?
Tell us how you really feel.
You must like hemorrhaging money. Older luxury cars as a taxi... I guess there are worse ideas, but not many.
We could only hope he leaves. He wont.
Duh... Because it is your girlfriends dad.
They drive a pick up truck.
It’s weird how this recount of what actually happened is the exact opposite of what the driver stated happened.
Not hellbent on anything. I’m simply trying to explain to you the difference between being open and closed minded is, but you think that’s an opinion, which is isn’t.
As soon as I saw that on this list I knew the list was rubbish.