
No it really isn’t. I’m sure you like some show/hobby that others think is garbage. A world where we are all different is beautiful, a world where we are all the same is dull.

People like different things. It’s not a hard concept. I don’t like real housewives of [insert city] but my wife does. Whatever gets people’s jollies off is going to vary, but who cares it isn’t you.

What is it like being full of shit:

You replied to the wrong person, but I agree with you. It also looks like OP is full of shit when you look at his post history.

Given the mass amount of idiot millennials in debt I’d say the exact opposite. They clearly don’t know the value of the dollar or what they were doing as a teenager and could have used direction at a younger age.

Yeah, most people get cars from their parents and 8k isn’t breaking the bank.

The answer is and always will be a resounding NO.

Actually, most people despise people being a-holes. But let’s take the minorities voice in these circumstances. Right?

No it doesn’t. If you already filed your claim you’ll still be getting the max you were awarded even after the accident that wasn’t your fault.

I’d really like to see this happen. I’d like to see them waste more of their dick head money because they tried to get one over. Fool’s and their money...as they say.

He’s a car salesmen, what did you expect? A quality upstanding individual to do the right thing?

Sounds like you have no relation to law, that or you’re really bad at practicing it.

Not that it is doing anything, the difference between the impact of nitrous oxide and an oil spill is massive. But if you want to ignore that, that is fine. Have a good one. I don’t have time for nonsensical back and forth.

Now playing

I fucking love this movie... great.. now I need to go watch it

Are you really comparing this to BP? BP the company who didn’t pay it’s fair share or actually clean up the disaster it created?

Fair enough. I don’t understand how these countries survive through sanctions or the people don’t revolt. Is the propaganda that good?

Last time I checked sanctions didn’t stop or revert the annexation of Crimea.

Go back to your hole commie.

So what’s your Chinese native name Mike?

Is it so fucking hard to look at the URL and realize that there is a subdomain? Literally should take less than a second.