
“Hey Air Jordan Skiier guy, You wouldn’t happen to have a cup of water would you?”

Looks like Doom meets Duke Nukem meets Ridiculous (mechanics)

Yes! That’s the take away sport....

Teach her to drive, save some cash.


Ze German way, nein?

At bare minimum, but most the time there is a lot more training that goes into it. But you know... homework is for sissies.

Ahhh... someone who believes what the media feeds you. Contrary to popular belief cops aren’t out there 24/7 acting like it’s the wild wild west shooting off their pistols. It is a very small minority giving them a very bad name.

good luck breaking into the market with a 75k dollar car thats not centered around performance and maintaining the Apple margin’s they are used to

Oh man, I got so nervous when I saw that they were traveling with a bus and the intro. (Didn’t bother to read the video description first...) I should have as I held my breath hoping the bus wasn’t badly damaged.

You’ve said a lot of things.

low hanging fruit

The hipster uprising has started. They’re called Bernie Sanders supporters.

Well I mean he knew it was going to blow up in a few days so he didn’t have to worry about long term reliability. Also Q could make a Scion amazing.

Here I thought ‘luxury’ cars were getting rid of hood ornaments.

That sucks. I honestly haven’t experienced it. Stinks people can’t be civilized.

I can see that being a problem with teenagers. Bunch of entitled little fucker running around

I never thought it smelt bad, maybe I’ve never smelt the bad ones before.

What a bunch of jerks. I can understand that. I think I just haven’t seen it.

I can completely understand that. Maybe it’s illegal by me because I never see it anymore. I think that leads to my disconnect on the hatred.