
I can totally get that. I’m super protective of my family too so I totally get that aspect. That stinks about your wife/daughter. My wife would get migraines with season changes and I feel helpless as there is nothing I can do. Hope it improves over time.

That’s where the intrusive part comes in. Maybe I just don’t have a lot of people who vape in my area or they do it without my knowledge. I rarely if ever see people vaping.

That’s a lot of words for something I didn’t say. I agree with the policy, I just didn’t understand the large hatred towards people who ‘vape’.

I have met many. Several of my friends have used the method to reduce their smoking habit. But good job at the failed assumption.

Yes, really. I rarely see people vape if ever other than friends/family; which don’t act like this.

Like your description, but did you flip cow and dog? Or is cowshit really preferable haha?

‘Remember the pod of Juggalo’... hahahahaha best description by far. I remember it all too well.

Oh ok. I’m not really familiar with them. Don’t use or interact with them. I was just taking the other person’s first hand experience for fact.

No dutch ovens for you?

Totally fair. Never experienced that, leaving a disconnect.

Oh wow! That’s dumb. Don’t understand how clouds of smoke appears ‘cool’.

It was the minor comment. I’m shocked it isn’t all 50. Terrible

I always joked I could never be a smoker because I’d never survive the cold just for a smoke. (Live in North East, where the winters can get brutal.)

Gross. Can’t imagine the layer on their lungs then.

Yea, but then you realize it is that persons life. I definitely hate smoking, but have never been negatively impacted by vapers. From what I gather though, from others experiences, it is very intrusive like smoking. I wouldn’t be okay with that either.

If I was a betting man I’d bet it is, but I don’t know. hah.

I would, but then I realized I didn’t care because I don’t do it.

Fair enough and really well written up. You seem to be one of the few who took an unbiased look at this and came to a reasonable conclusion. Thank you for that.

Probably not because it doesn’t happen often. If it happened all the time, maybe. Given the current environmental pollution we currently live in I can’t even say it ranks in my top 100 concerns.

Is there harm from second hand vape? I haven’t heard of that.