
I call shenanigans. Where are are the 'Logan's Run' costumes? As my friend told it, she and the other girls would dress like Jenny Augutter, the guys would dress like Sandman, and chase around yelling, 'Runner!'. Then they'd catch them and make out.

Dun care, watchin' "Person of Interest" instead. Seriously, watching Michael Emerson playing his character as high on ecstasy for half the show was hilarious. And Caviezel's delivery just gets dryer. He's great.

Highlander II falls into the 'so bad it's good' category for me, mostly for the scenery-chewing performance of Michael Ironside. He shows what happens when a strong-willed actor meets a director that can't rein him in.

That doesn't look quite right. I thought Utah was still dry, or 'moist'. (You had to be a member of a private club in order to drink). Can anyone confirm?

You say the sixties was the era for cool sidekicks, but never even mention Illya Kuriakin? For shame.

The companion should cost anything. If you can't pull with a TARDIS, there's no hope for you.

Replying to myself, but Ah Ha! From the Time article, "She did admit it was more subtraction than addition."

There's something hinky going on, because he never casts a shadow. I'm thinking a flying harness, wires, a suspension point out of frame, and a little Photoshop magic to remove the wires. She didn't say that she didn't _remove_ anything from the pictures.

They're gonna keep the Eagles, right? RIGHT? Now just include the Hawk space fighters and I'm in.

I read in the local paper this morning that it's an 8 ep mini-series.

The shredder as a fax machine trick was in the last James Bond novel "Carte Blanche" by Jefffery Deaver. Maybe MacGyvering one on the fly is a bit much, by the principle is sound.

Haven't seen it for a while, but I'm pretty sure all the servants were frozen at their current ages when they were converted to furniture. So they're effectively immortal, unless destroyed one way or another. Thinking about it, the Beast probably is, too. When he reverts to his human form, he's the same age as when he

The hell with that, let's just get it in the water supply. A lot more useful than floride.

That's not a Sun Probe, THIS is a Sun Probe!

To paraphrase myself from about ten years ago, "Dun care. Luv Snowy".

Yeah, Sam Jackson and the shark was great, just because he was the most famous actor in the movie, so you didn't see it coming. I really think the two are in the same league, though, and miles ahead of anything else.

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My favourite completely-out-of-nowhere death was the bus drive-by in the original "Final Destination". I thought that was brilliant.

You mean Stephen Fry, don't you. Fry and Laurie did a series together, as well as both appearing in Blackadder.

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Sorry, but it's nowhere near as good as this one, and it was made almost 4 years ago.

I first saw him (I think) in the first 'Scanners' movie in 1981, although he's been acting since at least 1979. And genre roles? He's had ALL of them! After 'Scanners' he was in "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" (in 3D!), 'V' (the second mini-series and the series), 'Total Recall', "Highlander II' (which