
Take a good look at Indy's profile in the first painting. Now compare it to Tom Selleck, sans mustache. And remember that Tom Selleck was the first choice for the part, but he couldn't get enough time off from shooting 'Magnum P.I.'. I still think he would have do a better job.

Stingray, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90, Terrahawks ... C'mon guys!

It better not be in animation, or you'll get such a talking-to!


Didn't anyone else catch the little gag in the appearance of Madam Vastra? She gets out of the cab (limousine ?) and says, "That will be all, Parker." The reply from the driver was, "Yes, M'lady."

@Charlie Jane Anders: "Lord of the Trees" and "The Mad Goblin" are the two titles I remember. Knock yourself out.

You also missed all the insane Phillip Jose Farmer pastiches he wrote in the 60s and 70s. Apparently, Farmer felt that the old pulps stories would be much better with kinky sex in them, so he wrote his own Tarzan and Doc Savage stories, appropriately spiced up. The bit that is stuck in my memory (unfortunately) is the

An American "Being Erica" will bomb. Nobody can do cute + hot the way Erin Karpluk does.

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Of course, the Japanese decided that the Captain Scarlet intro was too scary, so they replaced it with this version in Japan.

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And then there's 'Captain Scarlet', probably the scariest opening to a kids' show ever. I can't believe I was allowed to watch this when I was 5!

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You gotta love 'Stingray'. Like one of the comments to the Youtube video stays, "I like the way they advise you to "stand by for action!", then blow something up immediately afterwards. That's value for money, that is."

#1 looks more like a Rideback to me. I wonder which came first?

@LREKing: Nolan has always had two villains, nitwit. "Batman Begins" had Rah Al's Guhl and Scarecrow, and "The Dark Knight" had Joker and Two -Face.

David Gerrold also re-wrote some (all?) of the books in the 'War Against the Chtorr" series, without finishing the series. Supposedly, he is still working on them, but it's been 17 years since the last book.