
We call them fluffers.

Sounds great, now if only Disney would acknowledge the Marvel Netflix shows that have been cancelled and announce that they are going to give them the same proper care and treatment they deserve.

Liefeld couldn’t even draw Perez’ boots, much less lick them.

Well, it used to be a farm. Before the Motor Law.

No Country for Fremen.

“Hail Hydra

There’s a certain government being held hostage by a particularly emotional, irrational person. Maybe these methods will help.

Why all the fuss? He didn’t have to look any further than Toronto.

“I’m TIRED of all this MOTHERfucking racist presidents in this MOTHERfucking White House!”

If I die today, I’ll die happy knowing I never liked Kanye and he never got one red cent from me.

Poor Ramona Flowers. Lucas Lee and Envy Adams became superhero headliners and she’s stuck playing back-up for Harley Quinn. Even Todd Ingram got to be superhero lead before moving on to an ensemble cast.

Now playing

Oh, if anime witches qualify, this whole list needs some major reworking.


Or you could just stop having wars over your meaningless philosophies and selfish resource management. Imagine if the U.S. put that $700,000,000,000 into healthcare every year. Everyone would want to live under the U.S. So much so, that you could probably just give out citizenship to residents of other countries,

It’s as subtle as a kick to the balls...AND I LOVE IT.

Todd McFarlane has promised a Spawn-related announcement coming later today.

Screen Rant has a trailer for The Landing, a faux-documentary exploring what really canceled the Apollo 18 mission.

oh boy, the GotG cast want James Gunn back.