It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.
It’s a mark of intelligence to recognize what you don’t know and seek counsel and knowledge about it. Only stupid people think they know everything.
“He realizes that’s not the kind of ‘intelligence’ he was being questioned about, right?”
Throwing on the one yard line instead of running it for starters
In a December 6 interview with Rolling Stone, former Obama administration official-turned-cable news commentator Van…
anything that erodes Trump’s credibility, mandate and authority—even a little—gets a vaguely helpless nod / desperate thumbs up combo from me.
Absolutely. He needs to sweat. He lost the popular vote. By a lot. We don’t have to make anything easy for him—and in fact, it’s our goddamn duty to make leading as hard as possible. He wanted this, he’s gonna have to fucking work.
I’m familiar with the specifics of this—including the Snopes article, and while I’ll grant you that there did not have to be a public funeral, my takeaway is that a decision on burial or cremation by a funerary (that’s what it is, right?) be specified. If you hold that a fetus you have terminated is not, in fact, a…
I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:
He thought it was about Hamilton Nolan? No...that’s not it.
Just a reminder...
Since you’re impotent that point is pretty meaningless.
Why is “ape” offensive? We all descended from apes, no? That’s what that nice colored guy on Cosmos tells us. It was a compliment! /s
She tried to get kids to eat more vegetables and be more active. That’s not classy. The classy pay lip service and get a little lipo.
she’s black and in their eyes black= unclassy
Fat Lorne Michaels got some pretty good rips in
You register to vote. Then you show up on the day at the appropriate polling location, you say “hi, I’m so and so,” they look to see if you’re on their list, and then they let you vote. The idea that there is any meaningful practice of people showing up at a polling place and falsely assuming the identity of a person…
Late tomorrow Trump is going to deny he said any of this, and will insist he was never a candidate for President and he’ll call Mike Pence a loser.
Gaspar Gomez could not be reached for comment.