Whatever she can be a racist pos if she wants and keep people out of her home.
Whatever she can be a racist pos if she wants and keep people out of her home.
Why is she renting out her home on a public website with a “non-discrimination” policy then? You’re about as ignorant as the racist in this article.
If you want to be racist, then you shouldn’t offer your house up for rent on a public service. Especially one with a published non-discrimination policy.
I (respectfully) disagree. As a Raiders season ticket holder who is still devastated by the news, Oakland taking on mantle of the Town’s team is brilliant. It wouldn’t work if Lew Fucknutz Wolff was still the owner, but their distancing themselves from that old regime and Mark SuperFuckBowlCutNutz Davis is not just…
Giants didn’t block the move to Fremont, which is in Alameda County and part of the Athletics’ “territory”. The economy and NIMBY derailed Fremont. Giants blocked a move to San Jose.
The GOP blew a 237-193 lead in the House.
OK, but he was really good in Bridesmaids. You have to give him that.
The best part is that while neo-fascists everywhere rant about Sharia law and Islamic theocracies, one of Geert Wilder’s pillars of policy is to explicitly demolish the separation between church and state. In other words, turn Western democracies into theocracies. Apparently theocracies are a-okay if it’s hard-right…
The Pittsburgh Pirates adopted We Are Family as their theme song on their journey to winning the 1979 Baseball Championship.
i was a kid of the 70s so i totally remember Sister Sledge. though i never thought of We are Family as a “black family anthem”. it seemed more universal than that but i guess i was wrong.
Yeah and they make up a small number of our prisoners. I spoke in hyperbole so my bad.
TIL there are no women’s prisons
Jameis is still more qualified than Betsy DeVos. And has fewer sexual assault victims than trump.
Boys suck and therefore deserve special treatment, while girls should be punished to make the boys feel better about themselves. If there’s a more accurate depiction of how society operates than this, I have yet to hear it.
They replaced them with ombudswomen. Quiet, complacent ombudswomen.
I can’t imagine that this will stay. The “tin foil hat” part of me thinks that they might be trying to draw the attention of the ACLU away from other matters.