“Throw up” is right.
“Throw up” is right.
Dude. Inciting violence against individuals is exactly what Milo and his ilk do. You ought to know better.
I’m glad her cheek has finally healed as well, and she no longer needs to wear that BandAid.
Think anyone would fall for the “prank tv show” trick here?
Kyrie Irving is a Flat Earther, and DeNiro is anti-Vax.
Not that this can be proven or anything, but Trump probably thinks that HBCUs are ONLY for “the Blacks” and more financial support for them means fewer “the Blacks” at “white” colleges. You know, separate, but [un]equal.
Trying to rev the care meter up to a point-0-five. Failing. We have bigger, oranger fish to fry.
Kinja, please alot me more stars to give to this post.
House of Cards. I have personal reasons for relating to that character that pertain to his name and origin.
Not sure why Congress won’t.
Those combined create a slam dunk impeachable offense for any Congress with a spine, does it not?
Oh, forgot one other one. They also want access to your phone and contacts list.
LOL, but he doesn’t have any business interests. He can’t have a conflict because he’s the President, see? No conflict. No conflict. You’re the conflict!
I am reading this one now. Ordered it on 9 November. It’s kind of awful, but I’ve read 1984 a bunch already.
You know what? Reading Seuss would be a yuuuge improvement over the present situation, which is a.) reading nothing, b.) watch Fox and Alex Jones, c.) listening to Steve “party like it’s 1933” Bannon.
yeah, that company’s the worst.