Stop putting Sriracha on everything

If I believed in God, I’d tell her to bless you.

It’s worse.

Stop making sense.

Sorry, but who knows how real that is?

Just think, he will be “presiding” over next year’s MLK remembrances. Is it too late to vote for that Giant Meteor?

When Billy Kristol is calling you out on shit, you know you done blown it; even worse if he’s doing his Sammy Davis impression while he does it.

This didn’t happen by accident. There’s been a deliberate coordinated, and concerted effort for the last 30+ years* to spread this kind of misinformation to the masses.

Three. That’s the magic number. Yes it is.

That’s the joke.

“BABA BOOEY! BABA BOOEY! Howard Stern’s penis!!”

Hey, at least they don’t have to be all “politically correct no more.”

Brock Turner?


Didn’t A&E just cancel this show when it was called Duck Dynasty?

So that’s where they get their sheets.

I would bet a lot of these alt-righties were “Icey Hot Stunta” wanna-bees in high school until some football player stole their girl (or dated a girl they thought they “deserved”). I imagine the Venn diagram of MRAs and these guys is very close.

That and they want to kick (((the Jooz))) out of a town called Whitefish?
Oy vey.