I have a feeling stovetop pressure cookers get higher PSI. We still have one that's basically two pieces (pot and cover) made of thick metal that physically lock together (like a vault) and a small weight at the top that goes psst-psst-psst-psst-pssstsssssstssssssssst!!!!!! when it gets going. That thing scares the

You're right. Technically speaking food cannot be "healthy", but I don't think you understand the point of my (and OP's) argument. When people say an apple is healthy they don't MEAN the apple is alive and well, they mean eating an apple is good for your health. The argument I made is about what people mean when they

I actually agree with this comment. "Organic" in the food sense has nothing to do with the chemistry. Think about it: organic strawberries? If thinking purely in the chemistry sense of the word "organic", how does that make any sense? How can strawberries not be made of carbon (and hydrogen and oxygen) to be organic?

I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to do.

LOL, so illegal, but so true.

I would actually disagree with paying cash for everything. I'd say pay credit card for everything and get yourself the 3% back on groceries and gas and 1% everything else. But of course, pay it back in full each and every month. If you can't pay it back in full, then yea, just stop spending so much and use cash until

Double or nothing.

Oops, actually I was referring to the question the narrator asked at the end of the video (before it gets cut off). Not why some galaxies are bigger than others.

So. "Why is that?"

@SpringlesTDD: Maybe you could provide some examples. I find music to be universally subjective. There will always be people who like/dislike a song/artist/genre/etc.

I tend to disagree with anyone who calls any artist bad. It's just snobby, I'm sorry. Music is subjective. REALLY subjective. Sure, everyone has the right to their own opinion (like yours and this one from me) and to express it, but when it comes to music it just pisses me off. I use to listen to a lot of pop and

Sure, go ahead and poop on the idea with logic and reasoning. I still stand by the original theory that prime numbers are made of magic.

I actually have no idea what you're talking about. Mine is perfectly centered. Maybe it's 'cuz I jailbroke it and installed a fix that I didn't even know?? Strange.

Alternative for Windows?

Reminds me of this CPU heatsink... idea then.

@PaddyDugan: Possible answers: A fast connection. A capable graphics card.