Browning of apples is caused by oxidation of the goodies (antioxidants and stuff) by oxygen (air). Does this mean these GM apples have lower levels (or none at all) of antioxidants?

...LOL. That is all.

As much as I love that saying, according to the article pics are useless.

Actually if you guys read the d800 reviews the d800 has some seriously awesome low light performance. While most of us on gizmodo would know that more pixels doesn't always mean better picture quality (often worse when there is little light to work with) there can be times when big pixel count can really help. The

Got it. What about incineration them? (and by that I really mean setting them on fire on the spot.)

I'm a little confused...why do they have to do anything at all? The cows died. Leave them be.

Nowadays "cash" doesn't actually mean cash in the literal sense. It means immediately usable money (i.e. perfectly liquid, if you know what that means) which can include traditional bills or money in a debit account. In this case it's the latter.

Hippie VW bus.

SWEET. Here's hoping for that clip-on model that Kodros mentioned.

Umm..really? It looks that bad? I think it looks fine. Would I wear it? Probably. Problem is: I also wear glasses, so I physically can't wear these.

A-Freakin'-MEN! I imagined a meter-wide soft blue 3D line draw on the road when you ask for directions. Or at least a nice arrow pointing you in the right direction depending on the direction you're facing.

Steve Jobs: One more thing. The Universe, with its billion-gazillion stars is nice but my team in the cosmos has been working on something we think you're going to love. iAll. It will have a single Brilliance™ Star that trumps all others...and a Retina™ display...and boy have we patented the heck out of it!

What about keeping the exact same (or little/negligibly changed) overall shape but eliminating the bezel? That way the thumb will still be able to reach essentially the entire screen but you do get a slightly bigger screen. It might decrease the DPI slightly but the current iPhone 4/4S already exceeds the definitely

Redesigned: He's saying if apple was to put a 720p display on the phone then all the apps would have to have their graphics redone.

I dunno...I just think sometimes when people get hurt by something like this the organization should have to pay damages. It's like those stupid warning messages on cereal boxes and whatnot. "do not swallow razor blades"...nooo, really? Because of people running into the glass walls there are not these white bands to

Where can buy one to charge my new iPad?...

CRAP!! Why wasn't this posted a few hours earlier? I literally JUST bought a Smart Cover knock-off from ebay. Here's hoping it'll miraculously work. Is there a way to perhaps cut open the cover and rearrange the magnets to make them work?

My brain hurts. Thanks.

I cannot compare it to an iPad 2 but the WiFi is DEFINITELY weaker than my iPhone 4. There is no question at all. I've repeated the test at 3 different sites (home, school, gf's school). Of course, I was testing far away from access points (don't know where they are in the schools but there was only 1 bar of reception

I LOL'ed.