I bought this game with season pass and really want to play it, but have no one to play with *sob* and am not really wanting to dive in with strangers...

What amuses me about your name is... you’re called Person, and you’re a person....

Now playing

In the UK a few miles from me they have an ‘old skool’ arcade, £10 in and everything is on freeplay. They have all the classics from four player Turtles to Donkey Kong, from Street Fighter to Outrun, it’s amazing.

This fella is a spitting image of someone I work with, much to my amusement. I’m now going to spend the day sending this to all my work colleagues and declaring ‘Qian is such a fucking show off’. Good day.

Spelunky is one of the all time great platformers and anyone who hasn’t yet played it is in for a treat (albeit an extremely frustrating one)

Finding a way to describe how humbled you are whilst describing your own work as ‘one of the greatest action puzzle games of all time’ is truly an incredible feat.

Sick of all these Overwatch ‘highlights’ now. Maybe you should have a seperate Overwatch highlight reel? From what I could see, one of these ‘highlights’ was ‘someone shooting people out of a window then someone jumps up and shoots them’ and another was ‘somebody jumped against a wall and got shot’......

I bought the game 6 months ager release and played it for twenty minutes, because A) I couldn’t get a game B) When I finally did I was getting kicked from parties for not having a clue what I was doing. On the one hand its good theres more noobs, on the other hand it feels like I got pretty much cock all for being a

Special effects these days are just phenomenal, when a TV show can consistently fool you with background objects etc, and when green screen no longer has that ‘glow’ around the person you know they’ve nailed it.

It’s extremely rare for me to view a game as a piece of art, but Rapture is such a beautiful place that could be enhanced incredibly by Unreal 4, but I fear that this is just going to be a texture bump, the series deserves much better treatment

It’s a beautiful video, looks like it would make a great film.

The one thing I’ve noticed with both AltVr and VTime is that people, as you say, just aren’t dicks. It seems the early adopters have either very good manners, or it’s all too new for people to be dickheads. I think part of it is people thinking ‘Whats the point of being an asshole’ because you’re really not going to

True, sunset overdrive was a great PS4 game.....

You can get rid of that with a command, I forget what it is but I posted it on the steam discussion page for it, and its in several otehr places.

‘’That is a rapist. These are not rapists.’’ The people who rape other people are not rapists because they know the person, and it was done on a campus. Well I’m glad we cleared that up!

Love a bit of Dead Rising, I wasnt expecting to like 3 but still got hooked. I actually preferred the DLC missions/characters to the main game though, and it all got a bit samey after a while. Still, to play a game with that many characters on the screen at 60fps, glorious.

I don’t believe you so there.

It’s this kind of small minded rhetoric that developers will have a hard time overcoming until they can somehow get demo units onto the heads of these people. VR is amazing, but it really does only sell itself when you’ve seen what it offers. Even the GearVR blew every single person I showed it to away.

It’s one thing for a father to support his son, but seriously... playing the victim card, disgusting.

Nintendo could have so much of my money if they did this over here, I’d love to have some of my cartridge games on Digital as well but the prices in the UK are prohibitive, we rarely get any of the sales even America get, the most recent Capcom sale is a prime example. I see theres a sale in America, I log into the