I go through stages of only playing the Vita and swearing its the best handheld ever made for a few months, then the 3DS and so on and on and on. I believe the Vita is a machine people will be playing in ten years time and while it won’t be necessarily remembered for its exclusives (although they’re been some great

People who own the Vita, love the Vita. The memory cards killed it but the Jap games like Danganropa and the indies make it a special machine. I believe theres no better place to play spelunky and formally Issac (until it didn’t get the DLC). The D-Pad is one of the best ever made and its a tragedy they didn’t use the


Sony really want to kill the Vita, we know this, but this seems a tad extreme. Whats next, shipping us out power supplies that set the thing on fire?

You can see on the video that it’s considerably wider than it appears on the photos. To be expected really. My main concern would be a pet or child knocking the thing off and destroying not just a lovely monitor but your entire rig. That’s a bit too scary a prospect for me

You give the best map of 2015 to a game that doesn’t show everything on the bloody map unless you pay real money?!? Wow, OK!

I like the new graphics... there! I said it!

I like the new graphics... there! I said it!

It should appear as a tab at the top but theres problems at the moment with the server overload so its not showing for everyone yet. If you press the epic logo (top left) you can see shadow complex but not click it. You dont need the engine.

It should appear as a tab at the top but theres problems at the moment with the server overload so its not showing for everyone yet. If you press the epic logo (top left) you can see shadow complex but not click it.

‘’And dont forget your preorder, store exclusive map.’’

Bare minimum they should be called ‘prepatched’, they weren’t prerelease, they were reviews of a game that was released knowingly in a shit state. What they have done here is dishonest and doesn’t surprise me in the least. Surprised Valve let them get away with it though. Sets a dangerous precedence.

Respect to these guys for makings some of the all time great strategy titles, but seriously, what possesses a man of that age to dye his hair jet black like that. Its sooo shiiiiiiiiinyyy

I got to the end of yours several times (thin section) coudlnt figure out how to get to the flag, assummed you had to use the turtle to jump off but couldnt make it. Noticed theres a door at the beginning as well, maybe its just a troll level ;) good design with the tight jumps though

Maybe I’m crazy but it seems to me you’ve fallen for some not very good photoshopping. The second picture almost certainly is.

I did think maybe loves Casio or this was some incredibly clever marketing. But then I came to the conclusion he just can’t spell.

Really great art, especially considering the medium, but he spelt casino incorrectly on the batman one... Im assuming it was casino anyway..

I actually watched this video and maybe I’m getting old but it was just not funny, I genuinely could not see the comedy in it, it was simply someone with a lack of intelligence poking fun at other people. I don’t know if this is the future of comedy for the gormless generation but it certainly wasn’t for me. Good,

I played the beta of the patch and it really improved things. 60fps at 1080p on my 980ti (To be expected) and minor drops in heavily populated batmobile areas. Vast improvement.

Cliff is one of the most annoying ‘dudebro’ man toddlers in the gaming industry. His stance on used games and his sense of entitlement is really quite astonishing. Fuck him and fuck his shitty F2P game.