Got a 980ti a couple of weeks ago and this game runs like shit, disappointing as it was the one game I was really looking forward to playing at 60fps. With this and Batman letting me down it’s a good job Dying Light and Far Cry 4 are running nicely..

I’ve been checking steam periodically for a patch in the hope of actually playing the game properly. Was hoping for something to improve the frame rate, adding back in rain will not do that! but at least progress is being made

Ah thanks

I have the Premium edition on PC, the Season pass has downloaded but I have no idea of how to get this DLC. Not that it matters because as we all know, the PC version is an unplayable mess for a lot of us anyway.

I defy any game fan that says they didn/t start singing ‘I don’ want to set the world on fiiiiiiire’ in their head as that music started

Have to say the animation on this is stunning. We’re at a point in time where indie devs are producing some of the most beautiful games ever seen.

Beautiful animation

Not really a shmup fan but this looks great and appeals to my love/hate relationship with rogue-likes

If Mahatma Gandhi used to stick hosepipes up the arseholes of children for fun, I think it’s a pretty good bet that the pop chucks his muck

Are you suing a 360 pad by any chance? I have been pissing around with it again and when I change from pad to Kb/M it seems to pretty much eliminate the problem.

Sadly not, one of the first things I tried

No matter what settings I use, the game stutters rights from the beginning when looking left and right. FRAPS says it running at 60fps.

I have a 3570K, its certainly not the CPU

Tried both several times, FRAPS says it running at 60fps but its stutters really badly.

Theres something wrong with the game. I have done everything to try and fix it and its a problem that is well reported. Same issue with Trials HD

Stutters all the time, well known problem with certain graphics cards. Fraps shows a smooth 60fps

How about a mod so it doesnt run like shit on 670GTX, I’ve been dying to play this for years but its so stuttery its unplayable, and I’ve tried everything to fix it to no avail

Reading your posts, you seem to be quite an angry boy. Just calm yourself down young man.

So excited for this, only the second kickstarter I’ve ever backed (Broken Sword being the first). I don’t think we need have any concern about him reaching his goal and probably many stretch goals. This is a game that needs to be made and it’ll be one in the eye for moronic money mad publishers and their shitty mobile

Seems like an ill-thought out scheme to be honest, especially given the vast amount of swords that have now appeared and look extremely similar to other peoples. A donate button is whats in order, give us chance to reward the modders who have put serious effort into these things, not the sharks.