''I remain uncomfortable with the thumbsticks; they still feel too loose and stilt-like for my liking.''

I've had one before, but after ZombieU and Mario there was was nothing left of interest to me.

Well it's £199.99 in the UK with Mario Kart, and then of course the free game on top, so when I get paid its buying time. Already had the 8gb and sold it.

Grrrr I think this and Mario Kart might just have pushed me back into 'Have to buy a Wii U' territory again.

When you say 'You had me at....' It's generally about the start of a sentence, not the last three words.

Now playing

I think you should all be aware that in England, Snoop Doggy Lion Doggy Dogg sells car insurance. Sigh.

I'm betting it gets cancelled, the PC version will be struggling to survive in six months from what I've read and played. Just my opinion.

The 'Life Engine' sounds like something Google would definitely do, if only so they have your entire life in one, easily packaged, ad-targeting bundle. Much like Facebook has!

He sounds like he could be the unholy lovechild of Peter Molyneux and Phil Fish. Could be..... Interesting....

So ex partner isnt an option? Nonsense article.

looks like a piece of plastic that lights up....

Because it's an animal, and a companion, in a game. Need I say more?

yeah, receiving a lump sum you weren't expecting is shit, when you could have got 2, maybe £3 interest on it over the course of a year.

Dont think Bill Gates will lose much sleep, I read they have3 a 97% piracy rate over there..

I think the strain of producing a weekly comic is really starting to show with some of this, they just aren't funny. Brawl in the family and corpse run being stand out shite.

I didn't back it but was planning on buying one, but now I think I'll go with Morpheus, if they make it fully open to PC development (which to be honest I doubt, Sony and PC don't exactly go hand in hand). I mean, whats the point of backing these thing if the person is going to sell out and flog it to some multi

I'm certainly no Lego expert, but arent they usually the same style with a different face? Aren't these just simpsons figures with lego feet?

Why does everything have to be unique? Genres have been established for a reason, if its a good platformer with interesting levels then a lot of people will be happy.

Rubbed all the grip off my Vita's joystick nub playing this :(

Traditional controllers have perfected being able to play games designed for a mouse have they?