Turned it off when that guy told us how he'd never had a dad for the 15th time.

Depends what you mean by 'compatible'. They'll work with newer games but won't unlock the specials 'skylander types' doors, forcing you to buy more. My gf's boy and my nephew are obsessed with them it's all they play

Console fanboys are the worst, generally because there's a lot more teens and younger that own consoles compared to powerful pc's. I think a lot of pc master race is tongue in cheek, although to be fair, we DO have the superior machines. I use my ps4 as a mousepad these days.

I'll be honest, not so long ago I was thinking about why a lot of black Americans have a chip on their shoulder about slavery, and how it hadn't affected them as they weren't even born and maybe they were using it for ulterior motives.

Wasn't there a rumour that ID gave the engine for Doom to those Noah guys to use because Nintendo wouldn't let them release Doom on the machine, or am I thinking of a different game?

Calling new words 'ridiculous' seems a little pompous to me, but I shall take your word for it.

Pompous much ?

Ah thanks, now shush, Ive got two 384's dancing around each other!

Also, how the hell do I stop being greyed out? I've been on here about a year, I dont troll, yet I feel like some second class poster and it's annoying!

The problem with a 768 is, you may never see one again, which is exactly what happened to me, got one in the first couple of days and now I'm doing rubbish all the time.

Because Alucard (the character in question) spelled backwards is Dracula. They're just failing to make a funny.

Searching for boobs on my dreamcast and fighting my way through 200 pop ups to see them on my 56k modem. Looking at online porn in those days wasn't for the faint hearted. It required real dedication.

Those baseball caps with umbrellas on.

Because ashens already does it so no one else ever has to endure this shite. And how many people reviewing utter tat does the world really need?

I actually think Driver 3 was a great game.... and I'm not even mentally ill. It was just so different from GTA3 that people hated it because it wasnt GTA I think. I loved how it required precision driving, which is what a 'driver' should be like. Yes, it had its annoying bits but it didn't deserve the massive slating

Hey, I liked Carrier..

This game achieved the impossible and made Samuel L Jackson annoying as fuck

I really liked this game even though it was clearly half finished. The jetting around then landing somewhere and seamlessly going into third person fighter was a great concept that wasn't executed that well, but still, worth a play if youre bored

Glad this game is getting so much love, it deserves it, not only is it an excellent puzzle game but it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling that shows there's still the odd person making mobile games with love, not trying to rip you off with in app purchases or begging you for 5 star ratings. You pay your money you get your

going to reveal, your top score? ;)