Even though I have it on my laptop, I still have my copy. I reeeeeeeally love this game. I've never got the chance to play Policenauts yet. I hope someone is working on a translation.
Even though I have it on my laptop, I still have my copy. I reeeeeeeally love this game. I've never got the chance to play Policenauts yet. I hope someone is working on a translation.
Not the same thing....at ALL. Notice Fall Out Nerd said "NFL" 2K12, meaning using NFL resources and financial backing to make a game.
Nice but why not also include Elevator Action Returns?
Wow. Did you have the Samurai Showdown RPG?
Nautical Punk?
If DICE claims this plays like traditional Battefield games, then it should be removed. Recognizing targets should be more than just following already visible shapes and letters.
In BFBC2, I know that buildings do collapse, killing anyone inside it. That being said, I think only a couple were completely collapsible and the ammount of damage these buildings take is unknown.
U.S. "A"rmy. Hooah? Hooah.
I thought I'd have issues running on Win7 but no, it runs perfectly. I'm currently playing "The Nameless Mod" which is a mod (duh) of Deus Ex which I highly recommend.
I like the name Red Areemer a lot better than Firebrand.
No 60 FPS?
MAME version? Didn't know you could play CPS3 roms on it. I use CPS3Emu v2. Learn something new everyday.
Original Deus Ex remake?
You mean, Nemo the Dream Master (Capcom)? That game wasn't frustrating enough.
The "difficult" setting on the US version of MM2 is the Japanese setting, and although harder, it's still by far the easiest and greatest NES Megaman.
I actually wanted them to do this game when I heard this was gonna be playing on Kotaku, nice!
Legend of Kage reference! lol. Awesome.
Copywrite has a track in this game. Relevance? None. Just that it was cool. That is all.
Peter's cousin?
Wow, what at tease. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a forum post at 2KSports.com.