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    That's what happens when you don't use GTA V's GHOST engine.

    Kuribo Shoe!! Dude, I loved the frog suit but Hammer Brother suit took the cake for me. Too bad it was a mission to get it.

    What's weird is that Mario now uses the leaf (racoon) to transform into Tanooki. It can be confusing for some.

    Awesome! I'd like to see a non-assisted Ninja Gaiden run. Yes, YouTube has videos but I don't believe them!

    When I saw the word Starcade, I thought of WCW.

    My favorite part was watching people suck at Ghost Pilots for the Neo Geo.

    YES!!! Right before I went to school I would turn this on and yell at the dude going through the obstacle course...."Dude, you dropped Tecmo Super Bowl!! Pick it back up!! THen I think they went to a Cartoon/Videogame Tip format. The toons were lame. All of them were based off of Aklaim video game characters. The…

    SUPER COMPUTER!! The song in that part of the game was awesome. I always wondered why you never saw a Metal Gear in the game. Looking at the cover, I was like "Woaah....it's Reese from Terminator!!...and and..ED-209 on steroids!!"

    "Two thing that this multiplayer HAS to have are killcam and immediate respawn"

    My autoscrolling bites. It autoscrolls to the top of the screen instead of the upcoming post. Anyone know how to fix this?

    Teen Wolf movie series is from the mid 80s, waaaaay before any of the Twilight films.

    Jehuty and the Blowfish!!!


    12 Mar 2010 8:49 AM Counterpunch—

    (2010 thread revisited)

    I'm well aware of the comedy-to-drama evolution but it's hard for me to watch Reynolds without expecting him to quip. Never had this issue with Tom Hanks or Jim Carrey.

    Sorry, Mr. Reynolds. Cannot unsee Van Wilder.

    Sunrise :)