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    How in the blue hell did they even run into these glitches? ...and then...have the depressing work ethic to try it over and over again.

    Ah, Sill. Memories. I'm willing to bet this guy was a shit-bag during his time as a troop.

    @Taggart6: That's the first Burger joint I went to when I was first stationed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma (1999) :) ... then I Sonic and Carl's Jr. creeped up to the top.

    In my opinion, most of today's games are more like interactive movies that we're going to finish, eventually. It's also about 100% completion, and achievements. Not that it's a bad thing but I have a different appreciation for the difficult games of yesterday.

    Finally, a new Shadow Dancer. Took you long enough, SEGA.

    You know they were really watching 2 Girls, 1 Cup.

    Can't unsee...

    I love the art style. It reminds me of these vintage NFL poster/magazine cover artists.

    @HighSpeedIndeed: My high school also got a surge of Surge in 1997. Supposedly, the rumor was that it reduced sperm count.

    I love Sriracha! It's so good with Rice/Peas and Ox-Tail. Mmmmm. (Finger Lickin' Jamaican Restaurant, Miramar, FL :) )

    @8bitanimal: You can play all those on MAME. Trust me. Konami, and Technos/Tecmo won't care....unless you sell them of course.

    "While publishers often rail against video game emulators like MAME (for good reason)..."

    @urfe: I promoted this comment

    @Konstantin Art: Yes. Always loved the UNATCO theme from the first game. For some reason, many PC games have that 'ambient' type music.