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    @SamL_: I see you've missed out on the pain and frustration that is Ghost and Goblins/Ghouls and Ghosts.

    @Strizo: That red bastard was in SNK vs Capcom: Chaos. Hate that guy. Cost me many lives on G&G.

    @wack0br: love the Ghost and Goblins background.

    Squall Leonhart .... ugh. After all these years, the name still sounds terrible. Sounds like a Megaman X boss.

    @Slatz_Grobnik: My gripe with "Too Human" was the title of the game itself. Too Human? Ugh. Maybe I'm being harsh but sometimes the name adds to the games appeal.

    @Krigo's EDGE: lol true. Love that game and it's cool bossess but I just love the way Guardian Heroes had that RPG/Beat em up style with a combo system ( before Tales of series? ) and with Maple Story type of 2D MMOs being as successful as they are, I think it would be a good experiment.

    @Duuuuuuude: I'd never seen that video. Wow. I'm not as impressed as I was when it initially released some demo showing off life-like hair and MMO/arena style gameplay. Well if it's still around, hopefully it's adapting to the times..and it releases before people completely forget about it (if they haven't already) a

    I wish Sports games would have this feature. It would be really cool if I could watch an online-league game online (broadcast view of course, in football anyway) between two league members and cheer or jeer them on.

    WTF ever happened to Huxley? Is that thing ever coming out?

    Guardian Heroes —- MMO. Period. :)

    @truthtellah: the Unreal logo? Really? Sam Fisher looks outta place...but...hey, it's still pretty cool.

    @Myrddon: If you grew up in that era of 8-bit gaming, it's a bit more appreciable than today's realistic style of gaming. I'm pretty sure that's the case for this dude the thread is about.

    @mespme: His arm is an AT-4! Awesome. No back-blast?

    When I was a kid I would always wish for a Game Genie for Real Life.

    My favorite article so far in a long while. That RPG "swish" friction explanation using DQ and Mother hit home. I could never explain the whole wonder and strange love we have for these types of RPGs.

    @Jouen: Right now, I'm too lazy to post a "rage guy" pic...so I'll just say...FUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!

    At quick glance, thought it was Pocky. Those things are addicting.

    @Curiously Flamboyant Sheep 3: The Ovis Aries Cometh!: As a young PVT and left eye dominant firer (righty with everything else in life) back in Basic....I learned that over-coating the bolt with CLP leads to backsplash and temporary vision obstruction. They did have brass deflectors but for some reason I refused to