Take THAT.... Bloody John Cena!
Take THAT.... Bloody John Cena!
#1 reminds me of a Masamune Shirow design.
Is it just me or did I hear Bubble Bobble in the background?
@Thut: Growing up, this was my definition of Xenophobe before I found out what it meant.
@LucasReis - LOCK2K: ...yeah, and if it's so bad, why is their American Football League called the "X-League"? VERY lame excuse.
@Behrditz: Yeah, the arcade version was a beat-em-up. Really cool.
I can't stop reinstalling Deus Ex.
@KingKirby: Boss Runs Away !!!
@Behrditz: Those were good games of the same style .... a NOT so good one is Punisher (NES)...ugh.
@dowingba: ..or Emulation. I actually got to play the Famicom version of Lost Levels (labled Golden Super Mario Bros.) in Nicaragua back in 1991. There were many places in the small towns which had pay to play videogame stores. Someone set up 3 NES, 2 Famicoms and would charge by the hour. This is where i saw the…
Boss attacks with Unemployment!!
Geek is finishing DQVI (import) without the ability to read Japanese...actually, that's skill. Don't know how my friend did it but ....
@Yokai: The "Itano Circus" keeps us coming back.
@Volacide: Or .....don't commit armed robbery and flee.
@VincentGrey: Bro. I came to this thread to say the same EXACT thing. El Shaddai? Accension of the Metatron, alone sounds better. I know it has many meanings in Hebrew but for some reason, it just doesn't sound right.
Amnios = Sky-lynx.
@Jon: yup. It also came with Duck Hunt and Gyromite...no SMB. That's the first time I ever saw it. I got mine X-mas of 86, which came with only SMB...didn't even care that R.O.B. was missing. Didn't need him. Used controller 2 for Gyromite.