I thought #2 was Mighty Bomb Jack.
I thought #2 was Mighty Bomb Jack.
Gotta admit though, the name "Jehuty" wasn't the best name selection for a mech.
@LucasTizma: What, you don't like Emo Megaman?
@Jashin Slayer: I invested many quarters in coin-ops. Nothing wrong with that type of acquisition of games (up until this point with X-Men) that are no longer used.
$10 saved. Thank you M.A.M.E.!!!
WHy'd they make him look like John Cena? Why? Why!? :(
Hooah! That DMR looks sweet.
@Player Uno: You mean this one I'm wearing at last year's Dolphins/Jets game ;)
@HitBit: ..you must have made an incision in Jean Jack's stomach to analyze his contents, you sly-devil you.
@Chewblaha: Too true, lol. I live by Joe Robbie Stadium ( I refuse to call it Sun-Life or whatever) and there is little to no traffic after games...(exception being on "Super Saturdays when they have concerts after the game)...especially on weekdays.
Too true, lol. I live by the Stadium and there is little to no traffic after games...(exception being on "Super Saturdays when they have concerts after the game)...especially on weekdays.
@Alkalinejoe: fixed
@PhoenixDownSyndrome: Rite of passage lol...right on. That's what I say. I'd add Contra without the code to the series of "Rites" games.
1-MT Punch Out
@mayfaire: Jessica Biel as Samus Aran?
What's SKYLINX doin' in picture 5?
Shadow of the Beast was so freaking difficult I haven't dared to try it again as an adult. I can just feel the frustration with Psygnosis' trademark music. Wasn't Turrican (not Super) made by Psyg?
@Methusalah: Wow...lol. That has to be (at least for me) the coincidence of the month. I'm not affiliated at all with Devolver. As a matter of fact, if you look at my history, I don't think I've ever commented on these 'Talk Amongst Yourselves" posts. Pretty funny though....he/she talkin same genre.