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    I just beat Snatcher (SCD) for the umpteenth time. It's the only game I've finished every decade since it's release. Looove that game.

    @Komrade Kayce: As a huge fan of sports aesthetics, I love this picture in it's late 70s NFL glory...which was in my opinion, together with the 80s, the best era in uniforms. That Falcons 'red' was so money.

    When I see this, I think of a possible RTS/FPS/MMO combo. It's probably been done or thought of...but I'm not an expert on PC gaming. (C&C Renegade doesn't count)

    Awesome. Right when I find a working emulation.

    @Tiller: My fault.. I meant Computron. (-4)

    Scattershot! I'm surprised one of the Compubots made it on the roster.

    Shatterhand. No, really. I can't believe I slept on this.

    @meowmix: I was born and raised here in Miami. I joined the Army, left, came back and the only places that suck are the same places that sucked before I left....at least in South Florida. I can't speak for Central or Northern Florida. I'm aware that Northern FL is kinda 'old school, confederate' in some areas.

    Bless all ROM-hackers. Especially, those who translated a couple of the Super Robot Wars (SNES)menus.

    @UrdnotWrex: Wow. Do you reside in Candyland, now? I know it's hard to forgot those moments in high school when you got picked on but it shouldn't reflect on the whole state of Florida.

    Hope for more of what's happening in picture #4 this year. :)

    That poster owns your soul.

    Definitely Otaku if someone has an animated GIF of any Japanese or Final Fantasy female character of any kind spinning around and smiling...repeatedly, as their forum avatar.

    This looks awesome. Don't like the name though. Enoch: Acsension of the Metatron, just sounds better. Hell, just keep Acsension of the Metatron.

    @WittyUserName: Me too. I never did that with the PS2 and haven't dont that with the PS3 or 360. It just doesn't feel right.

    @battra92: I promote your comment. (since I can't do it the normal way) All these kids with Che shirts, lol.

    Awww, man. C'mon Eidos...stick to canon.