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    @chenry: Read my entry again.

    Hmm. I wonder if this revolved around the actual "Devil Brigade"....a nickname given to the 1st Brigade, 1st Infantry Division aka Big Red One, (US Army).

    You lost against Soulja Boy? Way to represent the gaming community, bro.

    @Wolf_Dog: "Rap is something you do...and Hip-Hop is something you live. "

    Is the foremost Ninja (with mask) from Ninja III: The Domination?

    @furiku: The Mother-Lovin' American Ninja. :)

    cue: RCR shopping song!

    @HatchC2: Jim Harbaugh wasn't good in TSB (SNES) or whatever his name is on this version...but in real life, he actually did ok with the Colts as Captain Comeback.

    @Kobun: The pixelated view is actually the 16-bit view. It is in fact TSB (SNES).

    I don't think you can cast Ken any better than that dude. I used to think Luke Wilson but his crooked nose kill the deal. (s)

    @HatchC2: Only thing with the "zig-zag" technique is that it doesn't work as well in the SNES/Genesis version as at did in the NES....and this game IS in fact the SNES version.

    @AngryChiefsFan: Yes bro. Growing up a Dolphin fan, I can tell you first hand, the Patriots were sorry up until 96. Now, we have an influx of bandwagon riding fans. Your Chiefs that year (1991) had the Nigerian Nightmare which was awesome to play with when his physical condition was EXCELLENT.

    You can trust me Rodimus!! (tch tch tch tch...vroom!)(tch tch tch tch)You can trust me Galvatron!! ;)

    @The Cap'n: I'd definitely sign-off on Arthur. Not as a help-character either....a playable one.

    @EternalStar: Yup. I saw her in a Power Pack comic back in the day. Her character's power was on par with oh....um........GALACTUS. What were they thinking?

    No Numinus. Please.