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    The character Numinus, shouldn't be there. Why? ....well, let's just say, she belongs in "The View".

    Oh EA. Gotta win me back somehow.

    Ugh. It's all about "Cha-La Head Cha-La" ;)

    I used 2 time units watching this.

    @chrismoke: Magic Backpack, lol!Aww..I like Vast. Well played though CS. I used Def Jux, specifically Can Ox for their Sci-Fi content. Shoot, the characters on the cover for "Cold Vein" reminds me of Phantasy Star for some reason. I can't see myself playing a Cage game. I'd already know who the last boss would

    As creative as the emcees on Def Jux..ahem...excuse me, Definitive Jux Records can be, they need to look nowhere else than Cannibal Ox for any videogame inspiration. I'd call it..."Iron Galaxy".

    Holy crap! That first thumbnail reminds of Goriddle Gorilla....which really creeped me out as a kid.

    Sounds like it belongs in a Kemco-Seika "Point and Click" adventure, like De Ja Vu.

    Oh Hakan. If I could only explain to my friends what that is on your head, i'd sleep better at night.

    Interesting. Robert Rodriguez's fashionable leather jacket sports patches of actual US Army MACOMs.

    @tunel: Could be. Then again there is a Detroit Tigers poster on one of the pictures.

    @Zerorush: Even though VII was the last one I enjoyed, it was also the one which spawned my annoyance with the series of games after it. Boo-hoo Aeris died, who cares.

    @Thorinator: I wouldn't play a Bayonetta game which 'features' Sonic. I'd play a Sonic game which features Bayonetta. That way, we get to see how Blast Processing affects the Palin-esque killer.

    Does Warren Specter have anything to do with this title? I don't wanna see Cloud Strife in my Deus.

    Ok, what is that on his head? Does anyone know. Seriously. That's the only thing that is bothering me about Hakan. His kids also have a small version of this mysterious head gear.

    @Squirrelbot3000: I was just answering the question.."So the exclusive NFL contract with Madden doesn't apply to DLC games?"...by implying that this is in no way an NFL game..so...such an issue doesn't apply.

    @Squirrelbot3000: That's why it's TECMO BOWL and not TECMO SUPER BOWL, just like the original. The first one had NFLPA but no NFL license. This has neither..so generic, players w/ generic teams which are fully customizable which i love.