FFXIV is distasteful.
FFXIV is distasteful.
Can't tell if honest post or ironic post...
You've clearly missed the point. They are not spreading hatred at all... well maybe if the player is a sociopathic kid with issues. But I'd say this is the type of game that parents can not fuck around with. Unless they have a smart kid that won't be influenced by it, their kid shouldn't be playing it. To someone who…
Lol not even close to being a KKK member hanging blacks. That's racist. This game is just mindless killing. If you've(anyone) ever gone on a random killing spree in GTA game and think this game is too far, you're a hypocrite.
I'm probably going to get flak for this, but I think this looks extremely interesting to play. I have a morbid fascination with this kind of violence, I'm kind of a crime junky in that respect where I've read about all the mass murders and serial killers. The capability for extreme violence lives in us all, just some…
The model for the GTA picture is Shelby Wellinder. Lindsay Lohan is full of shit.
I just need Alien Isolation to be good, and I will be set
I just wanted my emblem for playing a bunch of pervious Bungie games :(
Taking responsibility for and recognizing the reason for failures, providing refunds for those who request them, delivering on backer rewards... this sounds like the right way for a kickstarter project to die, as sad as it may be for those involved. Bravo.
The more I read about Destiny, the more I think that neither Activison nor Bungie themselves ever had a real plan for it.
Blade Dancer pisses me off, because they move SO fast, kill SO quick and become hard to kill.
Yes! Something like this? Too bad I got the game late, as I recall the game just got lazy in selecting character models after a few hours of playing.
Maybe they can make a trailer for the tiny content glitch in NHL 15...
I wish Rockstar had done something similar with the Red Dead Redemption people as animals glitch... Still makes me sad that got patched before I ever experienced it.
That reminds me of this, back in 09
Doesn't that make 20001 reasons?
As a longtime TF2 fan who no longer plays, i can level one critique at the game: The post-game support has suffered from Kitchen Sink Syndrome. The game original tight focus and clear art style has become so diluted by hats and hats and weapons and weapons and MORE HATS, that fixing the game's growing pile of…