VERY good figures, but they run for a lot of money. I'm betting this set of the pilot and titan will be around $400-600.
VERY good figures, but they run for a lot of money. I'm betting this set of the pilot and titan will be around $400-600.
Thanks for keeping us all updated.
Someone send me all of that stuff please.
You are correct. No idea why he called New Order a reboot.
It looks like the game will be really cool, I'm just disappointed still that the game won't have any coop. The first teaser made me think it would, and all the gameplay looks like you have AI partners running around you the whole time, so why not give us some coop? Binary Domain had the same issue. Would've been…
So you're having the same issue that all the rest of us have had for the past few years while on mobile? Nice.
I've never done that, but I do always check the disc before leaving the counter, and I *HATE* buying a game when it's in a crappy generic case and doesn't have the cover or manual. Where are they all going? Why are there so many games traded in without the covers and manuals?!
I work at a video store; you have no idea how many idiots bring back their movies with finger prints EVERYWHERE on the bottom of the disc. And these aren't children, these are adults renting these movies. It's ridiculous.
I just hate how Ubisoft hates America and puts all the cool special editions in Europe. :( They did this with Far Cry 2 and 3 as well.
You failed to mention that there are a few alternatives out there, like GameRanger, which will still let you play a good chunk of these games still online, like the Battlefield games and Star Wars: Battlefront 1 and 2.
How disappointing. They act like they're making so little money and can't support their game, but go look at Orion: Dino Horde. That game had an AWFUL beginning, with horrible glitches and just issues up the wazoo. Now it's a decent game, because the developer actually stuck with the game and kept his promises of…
Invincible enemies? You mean the Regenerators? You aren't supposed to fight them, if you were trying that. Those guys always make me tense up, knowing they're right behind me.
Well, there's the Destiny beta some time soon, and then there's Sniper Elite 3 and maybe even Dying Light, if that ever gets a release date. Those two are the only other games other than Destiny that I have preordered (after Wolfenstein and Watch Dogs come out)
The page on their site says it'll be coming out in 2015.
There better be a full cockpit view in this game.
Saw this after I commented, haven't had a chance to play but it seems like it may be all fixed up? At least the rubberbanding stuff.
They did? That's good news! And I know this might be obvious, but are you using a wired connection? I was having some awful rubberbanding and dropping out of games when I used my Wifi (which always worked fine for my Xbox 360 and PS3) but with PS4 I guess it needs more of that sexy data. I switched to a wired…
Exactly. It takes up resources that could be used to make the game more polished.