iBoba Fett

I only ever play the GTA games now for multiplayer. Vice City and San Andreas were fun, but I haven't enjoyed the single player for GTA IV or V. Sleeping Dogs was fantastic. Really polished game!

There hasn't been a demo for an open world game since, what? Crackdown 2? Mercenaries 2? The only other one I can think of was Saints Row 1. I'd rather they use their resources to keep working on the game.

Does anyone read before commenting on the internet?

No demo for an open world game? How bizarre!

I guess I'm the only one who thinks this looks really good still. That last mode they showed off was awesome! Also, side note, that's so cool that they let people jump into the bed of the truck and they don't go sliding around like they would in GTA V.

I get rubberbanding on the new Naval Strike maps, or Carrier Assault mode, but usually can play 64 player matches just fine with previous map packs and the base game. It's mainly what I play.

Functions just fine for me on PS4.

So the developer recorded me and my musical sounds but didn't pay me? I need to call a lawyer!

I think that might be it!

Where have I heard that gunfire sound before?

While Electric Smoke doesn't harm a Titan when it's in a Dome Shield, it does decrease your Tactical Ability timer! Plus it can kill the pilot when he tries jumping into the Titan if he's not too smart.

Mmkay. If you say so.

A bit off topic, but I wish Gameloft would bring their games to Vita. I know they're all just rip offs for the most part, but it'd be nice to play Order & Chaos Online on the go with some analog sticks! Same with the NOVA games, and their Grand Theft Auto clone. You know, since Rockstar hates us Vita owners :/

But that isn't Mario Kart 8. :/

Because it's still called "Halo".

One of the only issues I had with Halo Reach and 4 was that for some unholy reason the iconic Halo theme isn't in there at all. I've always been curious why the hell they would do that.

So is he back to being Snoop Dogg, or is he still Snoop Lion? Or is it now Snoop Hippo?

Glad to hear! It makes the parkour so much easier, especially when running and jumping for the dropship!

And nobody will care about yours either.

So speedruns count even if you glitch through entire sections of levels? If so then that's stupid. That'd be like allowing "noclip" in these.